Eyeball Kid

Nah, Rock is super Republican.

Yeah, because Jimmy Kimmel can't pay his health care bills? What the fuck is wrong with that idiot? Cap needs to shield smack that dipshit.

I'm very late to the party, but, CGI snow or not, the white out scene was one of the most cinematic things I've seen on TV in ages. I loved how people just faded in and out of the snow like ghosts.

Oh. Well to hell with them then.

This is pretty damn cool. I was gonna get Sling TV come fall for football season but if i just have to sweeten up my Hulu deal I might stick with that.

Ah, didn't even know that. At one time i was an extremely devout Rancid fan, it's been hard to maintain over the last decade or so.

I'm three years late to this party but I also picked up a Barton Fink vibe, with the odd mannered neighbor making himself comfortable in the protagonist's space.

I should probably make myself listen to Honor Is All We Know and All The Moon Stompers, even though I was really let down by Let The Dominoes Fall.

They're very ska-punk in many ways but not strictly. They're pretty big genre hoppers, so really any one label isn't gonna stick.

The Grouch by Green Day of all people, and Goddamn Bottle by Lazy Cowgirls are the only songs i know of that are like you described.

I just say Hulu because they get all the Comedy Central stuff.

Yeah, same. I hope he gets trampled by an elk but that opening riff is outstanding.

Black Crowes are derivative frat boy rock but also wrote a pure masterpiece? How's that work?

Crimson Tide as well.

In context it's funny.

It's Pat was ghostwritten by Quentin Tarantino, so it has that going for it.

"Is it dead?"
"Isn't that right, Rambo?"
"You and your stupid fucking rope."
"We got two bodies in the morgue that look like they've been serial crushed by some huge friggin guy."
"Onion bagel, cream cheese."
"Why don't you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here?"

And that was touched on early in the book until the focus shifted; I wish they'd have gone to it more. It makes the indoctrination of companies like these seem more insidious because they act so great that they give you all these perks like free buffets and foosball tables in the breakroom, but the exchange is, they

I like that there's a one disc regular edition with four commentary tracks.

Oh yeah. I'm usually only asleep when I'm starting to initiate, once the rubber hits the road so to speak I usually am lucid. Or else i drift back off to sleep and piss her off because i started it and didn't finish (which i argue isn't my fault since I wasn't aware of what i was doing.) She's shot me down before and