Most MDs, myself included, would agree behind closed doors that chronic lyme, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, as they are commonly diagnosed, are all different manifestations of depression. But people don’t want to hear that they’re depressed, and people get angry when you point out this truth. As the…
Once again, misguided Euro-love going on here. Remember how diesels were SO great, and our enlightened European betters saw the light and we didn’t here in America? not so much now huh. Same with hatches. Europe has hatches instead of trunks because they have much less room to park. Not because they’re better. in 95%…
Cal Fire never saw a fire it didn’t want to put out. Most of these fires should just burn. But it’s an industry now with a vested interest to put out every fire in the state and if you dare question the cost and whether it makes sense to spend millions to save a few shambles of ranch buildings out in the hinterland,…
For an attention-monger what would be the point of that.
LOL. And federal income tax is optional too, right.
Rising at a “terrifying rate”? Your chart shows a DECREASE in pedestrian deaths over the last decade. This despite population growth over the same period. Congratulations Jalopnik on your diploma from the Mainstream-Media-Hysteria-Over-Nothing school of journalism.
Consider the Chinese culture. Official government statistics are well know to be largely fabricated. Their economic numbers are an international joke for being complete propaganda. Without a free press to challenge claims I think they often just believe their own lies. That sort of attitude trickles down to their…
Your analysis is wrong on just about every point. There isn’t a military analyst in the world, including the Chinese, that would agree with your assertion that China would win a declared war with the United States. And outright war would devastate China given their huge investments in the US which with a declaration…
As a car fan this should excite me but it doesn’t. This is Veyron 2.0, unusable power and focused on an unusable top speed, based on jamming more and more power into a ??heavier car. If I have a choice between this and any number of supercars to drive through the Italian alps, this would be my last pic.
You act like this is some revelation. It’s long been known that ultra-low profile tires are very detrimental to ride quality, and at some point handling as well. It’s fashion not function that drives the ridiculous donk-wheel trend in modern cars, something F1 doesn’t care about.
Slightly worse? I’m thinking you don’t understanding the meaning of the word slightly.
China is trying to avoid a regime collapse given their shared border. You give China too much credit and us too little.
They didn’t think about it? The car is surrounded by sensors that cause the car to stop if an object is detected.
Interesting story. One of the historical realities of Jim Crow that is often forgotten is that it was completely a tool of the Democrat party, who owned the South politically for decades. In fact a higher percentage of Republicans in Congress voted for the Civil Rights Act than did Democrats. I don’t point this out to…
I don’t know where this idea that trucks should have rear disk brakes came from. Probably from sedan owners. But they don’t. Trucks have different braking needs than sedans. Rear drums are just fine. I’m just waiting for some guy to say the front disks suck because they aren’t ceramic.
It was lusting after this very car as a teenager that began my obsession with all things automotive.
Countless? I’m quite sure they’ve been very carefully counted. As for the walking wounded, the US spends more on veteran care than any other country in the world by a factor of about 10.
Interesting to watch the smug, do-nothing generation interviewing the greatest generation. Even more interesting to read the comments of the worst generation.
5%? Well over half the Russian economy is from oil sales, and the price of oil has dropped by more than 75% the last 3 years. Combine that with a decimated currency, and Russia’s buying power has been devastated.