Surely this is only a "hot new trend" amongst NRA white people, and we're ignoring the practices of gang members who've been doing this for a long while now?
Surely this is only a "hot new trend" amongst NRA white people, and we're ignoring the practices of gang members who've been doing this for a long while now?
Why would you go down? The money to be made from autonomous vehicles lies heavily in bigger things than smaller. RVs, semis - those are where people want autonomy. Who the fuck is choosing a motorcycle over a car and then going "wouldn't it be cool if it could drive itself?"
*Deep American muscle voice*
To be fair, you present this as if the twitter backlash is a notable occurance that was provoked - by and large it's just standard operation. Hell, the page I was on just before this was some Gawker writer recieving negative Twitter comments.
Sure is great to load up Jalopnik the car website so I can read about how some people I don't give a fuck about from some city I don't give a fuck about have beef with a local news network I don't give a fuck about over a sport I don't give a fuck about.
Can you get a Wrangler Unlimited under $20k? Those will probably shoot up in price once Fiat unveils a FWD Panda-based successor that looks like shit.
It's odd to see this style with no SUVs. I mean, I get it's based on this 80's Australian thing, so they do it because that's the work. But still, seeing something that looks like this with no SUVs feels off.
2 door SUVs.
That stickerbombed bit of the interior is really bothering me.
Spies. V6 F-150.
No GMT800 Tahoe? Fuck this game.
I feel like recommending a Crossover/SUV is too easy, and apparently y'all do too, because half the answers are fucking wagons and half are over-the-top RVs.
I thought the Chevy Volt counted as a full electric, because the gas engine was a generator for the battery and not meant to actually run the car.
"Lets make our selling point America and then sell a bunch of Fiats."
It does strike a very cash-grabby image to take a character who's already established and change their gender as an attempt to broaden appeal. I don't know the Thor story enough to know how many reasons there are to crown a female Thor other than to try to appear progressive, but I don't imagine there's too many.
Okay, no, really, lets talk about this.
I think the Moscow problem is the other way, though, because it lets too few voices through instead of too many.
Is, maybe, part of the Smart's success stemming from the S-Class?
First of all, Tanner was with Ford when that episode was filmed. He just recently switched to VW, I believe this year.
I believe used to be the main URL for Tanner's sponsor. Nowadays it redirects to, but I could swear there was a time where Rockstar69 was the primary address for their website.