To his career? He shut it down!
To his career? He shut it down!
Amazon Fresh means Amazon's been my grocery overlord for years. They're the only grocery delivery I've found that will just leave stuff at my door unattended, bringing me one step closer to never having to interact with a human in person again.
At the end all I could think is how sad they had to be about the surveillance being over—The Good Wife basically got cancelled mid-S5 for them, which is awful!
I dunno, it looks like this season they're going to be making a valiant attempt to make the transition from campy vampire show to campy zombie-esque show. A surprising chunk of that trailer would work for, say, the upcoming Walking Dead spinoff.
The episode got me to actually feel bad for Selina during her shutdown phase—like that's the moment she fully realized that being President was going to be just as smothering and focused on the political meta game as being Veep, then cured me of it with her total brush off of Catherine's sad speech followed by Selina…
This episode made me feel really bad for Cersei—her crumbling when Tywin walks off with her last kid, leaving her with Joffrey's corpse was heartbreaking, and then the rape. Which I thought turned consensual partway through (like maybe her resisting at first was just their thing), but then definitely veered firmly…
Francis's biggest problem is that Catherine is too awesome. Mary's stuck in this pressure cooker where her mom sold out her country, England is constantly trying to steal it, and the peasants might start revolting any day now, and it's literally all her problem. There's nobody else she can hand it off to, and if she…
I was expecting an episode-ending twist wherein we find out the footman's confession was total BS. I mean, Francis clearly was not letting that suspicion go, and then he promises the guy a ton of money and safe passage for anything that will substantiate his suspicions. So then the footman concocts a completely…
Quinn didn't find Huck's family, their location was in the envelope Charlie gave her. Given Charlie's less than warm current feelings towards Huck, and Charlie's blasé attitude towards murder and torture, following up on the family is understandable to me.
Honestly, after the whacked-out electoral predictions map last episode, I just assume Scandal elects presidents via the American Idol voting system. I'm pretty sure a bio video of a dead kid gets you the most redials.
Charlie handled Quinn's cheating on him with surprising grace, really. I was expecting some actual torture, not "let me ruin your relationship by reminding you both what he really cares about." Heck, by bringing about the end of that mess he did the audience a favor.
From the second he started flashing back in the Oval through the end of the episode, I was convinced he'd off himself and I was trying to decide if the President could keep a handgun in a small safe in the office desk or not.
Jonah is gross, but Dan treats everyone and everything as disposable the second it doesn't obviously contribute to his future career. Jonah hits on Catherine in a gross and creepy way because he, being gross and creepy, would like to hook up with her. Dan smooth talks his way into relationships he has zero actual…
Jonah's a massive douche, but Dan is a worse human being, so Dan picking on Jonah is like the only time it's acceptable to feel bad for Jonah.
Why does Veep continue to taunt me with Jonah websites that don't really exist? This is cruel.
I can't tell if the conversation between Olivia and Jake was supposed to indicate that maybe Olivia is capable of getting over Fitz, or if it was just a nothing and the show thinks Olivia/Fitz is still something worth spending time on. I'm going to pretend it's the former until I'm forced to deal otherwise.
It's weird to realize not everyone sees a drastic change between the two, because it's really obvious to me that they solved all of the problems of ME1's hybrid combat system by dropping the roleplay aspects and emphasizing gunplay. While I'd say ME1 was basically an RPG with a poorly grafted on shooting system, ME2…
I loved Mass Effect 1, but didn't really like Mass Effect 2 much since it was more third person shooter and less RPG. I finished ME2, but more out of obligation than out of enjoying being able to tell if a room was going to have combat based on the number of chest-high walls and crates scattered around. If you can…
And so ends one of my favorite B5 storylines; while the ultimate ultimate resolution isn't a series highpoint, I'll always love the Shadow War for the Vorlons going all planet-killer, and its attempt at trying to highlight just how badly the good guys were losing via Ivanova's fatigue as a broadcaster who can't do…
I can't not feel bad for Jake, given that he comes from the organization that tortures people into obedience. Like, everyone in B6-13 automatically has a tragic backstory because they were probably all crammed in tiny holes until they broke. And the show does a pretty decent job of demonstrating that crazy-ass broken…