
Netflix should have just paid to have the Gone books made into a series. Everyone over 15 vanishes, kids develop superpowers, mysterious forcefield blocks the city off… Lord of the Flies + X-Men + Under the Dome.

I'm assuming Eric has Hep V because the writers know it's basically the only way anyone is going to give a fuck about finding a potential cure for it.

Happy with the outcome, as meaningless as this all is. Cooperative Polygraphy was a good, solid episode of a show that covered some things it had done well in the past, in a season that was competent but bumping into the limitations of its premise.

I don't really mind that this show is terrible and makes no sense, but this episode really failed to deliver on the batshit. I'm growing concerned that this season is going to try to tell a serious vamp-zombie apocalypse story, and forego the naked reading on a mountain until bursting into flames scenes that made it

ISN really is a surprisingly strong through line for the show. It's not a subtle one, but everything from the initial episode episode structured as a broadcast, through the takeover during the political upheaval, and to the anchor's choked-up return, ISN was used pretty effectively to convey the situation of Earth in

So death on TV is a major thing to me—I despise when a show trots out a "big" death, them turns around and undoes it after extracting maximum reaction from the audience. It breaks the show's universe for me—See Buffy, which never really recovered from the start of season 6 for me. If the writers will invent one


This episode did a really good job of establishing that Jonah would fit in pretty well on team Veep. They all semi-hate each other anyway, he was just a safe target for shared hate in the past due to his outsider status. He's been fairly competent the past two episodes, done well with he political maneuvering handed


I thought there was also an aspect of her trying to contain the humiliation, there—Dan witnessed her gettig massively embarassed (and was just bursting with glee over it; Dan's face in that scene was hilarious), and the most effective way to contain or spin the "Selina was going to fire us all until the guy she wanted

Always Sunny is a good comparison—there's a lot of discussion about whether or not team Veep would be the same people without Washington DC. I think Dan without DC is probably not entirely unlike Dennis. I could see him being a proponent of the DENNIS system, especially if he wasn't picking his hookups based on their

Didn't he also almost end up in a ton of trouble for his shenanigans around the Clean Jobs stuff a few seasons back? Dan has no morals holding him back, but he's not quite as slick as he thinks he is.

Dan as a childhood dog killer makes a scary amount of sense, and was an excellent way to take the scene from awkward sounds-vaguely-like-hooking-up territory to Just straight creepiness.

The lack of King Henry this episode really hurt it; an on-purpose funny scene would have been a nice break from the unintentionally funny parts.

The hardest sell I can really do right now is "it's surprisingly watchable and I think they might actually have a plan for the plot!" Season's only half over, though, and they spent a couple of episodes refocusing the show away from the worst parts of the pilot.

You're dead on about Clarke being just a little grating. I think the episode scripting causes some issues here, as she tends to get punted from extreme to extreme with little room for transition, but the actress often comes across as ACTING! More than fully inhabiting the character.

Man, nobody talks about The 100. It has some issues, but the overall structure of the first season so far is impressive. Things are moving along at about the right speed, love triangles are a much smaller deal than the pilot made it seem, people are dying all over the place. It has the Reign problem of the writing not

He also did Grosse Pointe, which was pretty good. Comedy shows based on behind the scenes TV drama seem to be his secret superpower.

So excited. I rewatched the show about a month ago, and it holds up pretty well

Ryantology Watch, Week 3: Still no real-world website. All we need is a page linking to YouTube clips of Jonah's stories!