He’s theoretically his best self with Olivia, but lately, that best self is punching his running mate and screaming in the halls of power.
He’s theoretically his best self with Olivia, but lately, that best self is punching his running mate and screaming in the halls of power.
I'll miss the hell out of this show; from the second the pilot seemingly executed Hope's mom, I knew it was my kind of show. In addition to giving me new appreciation for Martha Plimpton, it made me see Garret Dillahunt as somebody other than John Henry. They also kind of lucked out with the casting for baby Hope, I…
I love this show for the totally unexpected moments of humanization scattered in the terribleness—Selena's ongoing absolute horror over the guy losing his leg in the hostage rescue op was a nice bit of grounding for the character. I hope that guy makes an appearance in season 3.
For some reason, I found most of the last section of this episode hilarious. Henry's genuine happiness over Greer's scandal causing interesting gossip, my only now realizing that Lord Peppercorn's advanced age is like 70% his hairstyle, the sickly funny wedding scene, the shot of Henry's feet letting us know he has…
You know, I just can't see Diane's heart being in the firm anymore without Will. She didn't really enjoy running the place when Will was disbarred for a while, and all those people are just going to come swarming with a force now that Will being gone is permanent.
Which is an interesting choice for the show, because it basically cements that Hannah hasn't grown as a person at all for the entire series. There were so many ways to make her going to Iowa a step in her character's path to adulthood, and the show took none of them. It gives Adam a life outside of her, so she's not…
I think the POV shot of Will and the prosecutor apparently laughing it up in the sidebar did a pretty decent job of short handing one reason for shooting Will—the kid doesn't, I think, realize that Will just received news that should win the trial for him. All he knows is that his lawyer sees he's been assaulted,…
This episode: casting all the Will/Alicia flashback stuff recently in an ENTIRELY different light.
I don't think it's necessarily a life-destroying setback, just that it played out for maximum cringe and humiliation. She now has to tell everyone that she failed a class (and Glaciology, of all things?) because she was screwing around, since she apparently doesn't get to walk at her ceremony and whoever was planning…
Hannah's biggest regret about the Adam breakup is going to be that she can't cheat on him while in Iowa, and then give stilted melodramatic speeches about her inner torment. Him being nice enough to make his entire Broadway debut about her is a nice second-place, though.
Given the downshift in, like, stuff happening from books 1-3 to 4-5, I could see it. 2000 pages of musing on the destinations of ladies of the night, 200 pages of dragons and Starks and White Walkers.
I backed a Kickstarter two years ago for the second compilation book of this webcomic, "pictures for sad children". I never received the book—they got printed, but shipping costs ate up the author's money/Kickstarter funds. A few weeks ago, the guy behind the project posted an update including a video of books being…
I felt for Marnie during most of the episode (her confusion over BD hiring Jessa was sad; Marnie insists on trying to play by rules that don't really apply and can't understand when reality doesn't comply.)
I don't know about NY laws, but my impression was that unemployment only kicks in if you're not fired for cause. Hannah, clearly, gave them cause (and, in a room full of people, did "you can't fire me I quit") so I can't tell if she really thinks she's entitled to unemployment or if she was posturing.
Amazon had the complete Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman on special a few weeks ago; I have the box set sitting on my shelf waiting for a break in the TV season to dig into. So yay Louise Lasser.
Since the abysmal Driver tutorial already got called out, I'd like to give Resonance of Fate a nod. You are directed to head to the arena; there's a safe path there, but I triggered combat. It's basically impossible to understand the battle system without explanation, and the game provides none outside of the arena.…
Oh, I really enjoyed both from a fan perspective. Good fanservice is fun. It's cute that Schmidt from New Girl is still cares so much! I just thought both felt wedged in to the movie and inorganic. Corny less so than Leo (having half Leo's scene be him pretending to not remember or recognize Veronica was an odd…
Wow, I don't remember that at all. Sorry, emteen!