
I kind of like your version of events, because how edgy is UPN if they let Veronica and Duncan hook back up in season 2 without definitively ruling out the incest angle? That's, like, HBO-level twisted!


It's confirmed; Veronica shredded hers because she decided it didn't matter, but Keith didn't shred his and then they had that really, really sweet moment where he told her the results (that was hurt a little by him only telling her after he had her decide whether or not to sign the Kane waiver thing.)

The other actor WTF for me was realizing the chick Wallace dates in season 2 for a while grows up to be cultist Emma on The Following.

It's a very smart show with solid writing, a strong cast, and an extremely compelling lead. It explores class disparity in a way that I've never seen on TV, has one of the best father/daughter relationships I've seen recorded, treats its audience with respect when doling out clues and resolutions to its bigger

I do think the class warfare stuff gets a little more complex and less broadly-drawn as the series goes, at least. But VM without something to say about the difference wealth and social class makes in a person's life just wouldn't be the same show.

I always thought that Veronica's intense Madison hatred was something the show would deal with eventually—like she was obviously shifting all of her rage onto Madison, who she already hated, to keep from having to really deal with the complexity of the situation. There was a lot of room there for introspection and

It was not the best episode, but elevated itself on rewatch when I realized the former child soldier dude was Lafayette from True Blood.

You can amend that to "free not-in-jail folks that Veronica doesn't seem particularly filled with vengeful rage towards", I guess. Essentially it would be difficult to walk away from the movie thinking there's a chance either of them offed her BFF.

It does not from what I remember; the presence of Weevil and Logan as free not-in-jail folks will obviously rule them out as murderers, but given that certain other characters don't appear, they remain viable suspects. The movie never says who did it or why.

I would, but the person I'd go with got checked into the hospital when we got back to Seattle from the Austin premiere (they actually got called to go in Saturday morning, but we were in the wrong state, so VM took priority), the nearest theater is sold out, and I'm not driving an hour plus to see the movie again

Right there with you. I went with a group on Saturday to the Austin thing, and nobody I went with is into discussion on a deeper level then "It was good." Which is fine, but I want to discuss in detail like a good, nerdy fan.

Piz being bland actually gave me great hope for a theoretical season 4, before they decided to go the FBI route and then the show was cancelled. LoVe was slowly eating the show alive, and as somebody who primarily liked Veronica for the shit she could get done on her own I liked the idea of her pairing up with a guy

Stay through the credits, people. Nothing plot related, but there's a semi-funny video clip part way in, and then a nice audio callback towards the end that makes it worth it.


For the most part, yes. It. Makes a LOT of references to the show, and is packed with returning characters, and it has spots where a new viewer would know they're missing out on background (Kane Software is name dropped and referred to as a bad thing in passing without explanation; you don't need to know what it is to

People should really watch this. Then the movie! The movie works on its own, kinda, but it's so much better with the backstory. And you won't be frustrated/bored by the few scenes that exist solely for fanservice.

People would probably cheer me punching the Fox programmer, though, and anybody who would renew Dads over Enlisted is obviously a masochist so the programmer would enjoy it. Baby-punching is a much more effective threat; I'll do my best to find a baby that's kind of a jackass.

Dude, why wouldn't you clone a bunch of Tatiana Maslanys? They're so multipurpose!

Between this and the death of the MJF show, I feel like Nyholm and Canning should merge with or hostile takeover one of the other firms and then they can both be around all the time.