
My husband is one of the developers on this game. Ubisoft SF is relatively small in comparison to other major developers. That said, a delay doesn’t mean that a game is already finished and they’re trying to tack things on. It can mean anything from re-working the story with Matt and Trey to fixing combat systems,

Are you suggesting that developers implement mini-maps to skimp on better world design?

I think what put me off about it was that I’m actually used to having a minimap in games like that, so without one, I felt like I was constantly trying to find out where I was in the world. The compass is cool but i like having a better visual indication of where I am.

i’m sure that can be said about any game you’ve played for 300 hours. XD

Skyrim’s map system is atrocious and one of the reasons I stopped playing early on. I couldn’t ever tell where I was, and I know that it’s viewed as immersive by some players, but for me it was a deal breaker.

I disagree that mini maps are all bad. they’ve been fairly useful in many games from Super Metroid to World of Warcraft (or most MMOs or MOBAs where minimaps are essential). Even in single player games, I see mini maps as a good way to keep yourself aware of where you are at any time in the gaming world and nice way

I think they’re just being cautious because there’s a few nice surprises in the game that can be definitely spoiled by screenshots.

what matters about Mario games is if you’re having fun while playing them. Mario games are, after all, about the gameplay. Nobody plays a mainline Mario game for its plot.

does it feel good to make these comments?

I can’t read a review of this game without being biased since my husband is one of the devs and was in charge of progression, balance and in game economy. I can tell you that he has been super excited for it to finally come out. Ubisoft SF is a fairly small team and I’ve been proud of what he has put together (it has

Hearthstone would be great for Switch local wireless play.

Apparently you’ve never player Snatcher

And you’ve not had any fun since, it sounds like.

I agree that Luv was a pretty amazing character. She’s forced to serve yet retains her “human” emotions which is why she cries when she does something despicable.

One can argue that it’s happy because she was able to shout everything she was feeling without the fear of getting down rated. Same is implied with the guy she shouts at.

Totally beat me to this. I just made nearly the same comment. Haha

I honestly think Nosedive, the first episode of the 3rd season, has an empowering near happy  ending. Sure she’s hit rock bottom at the end, but she’s finally free. She sees the dust in her cell and realizes how imperfect the world is. She and that other guy have a yelling match that isn’t so much an argument as it is

Was early access only given to competitors? Just curious. Haven’t been keeping up on the MVC scene.

Counterpoint: it’s shitty to say it in private or in front of others. It’s also shitty to brag about it. It’s also shitty to think it is cathartic. I don’t need to psychoanalyze you to understand you’ve a pretty shitty take on this all around.

Interesting that the Skyrim port is being published by Nintendo. Huh.