
or just has a universal translator...

yeah Dick is the golden child, Jason is the black sheep, Tim is the awkward middle child and Damian is the hellspawn

It’s really awesome how Darkseid has had a massive presence in this maxi-series and yet he’s only physically appeared in a single panel.

you do realise that it was a good event right? so your snark makes you seem like an attention seeking dickhead.

Okay but lets be honest about the most out there thing about this event: No major characters were killed, no friendships were destroyed, there wasn’t a continuity reset and the book has a really happy ending. Metal was a fucking unicorn for an event comic

the ones who complained were more hung up over the Klingons speaking slowly; DISCO used the actual fictional language that had been invented rather than just having the actors speak gibberish as previous trek had done, as a result the actors were speaking much more slowly since the language is fairly tough to

“if you don’t play ball we will liquidate you”

the badges could simply be Special Ops, and S31 just co-opts them so nobody will ask any questions

that and your told you are responsible for several friends having terminal cancer

manhattan sees past present and future but he cannot do anything about it

yeah and it was outright said in issue 1 that the article on the journal got dismissed as insane ramblings, and it wasn’t until later when evidence against Veidt mounted up (including the murder of the guy who wrote the article) that the journal was re-examined and the public turned on him.

It’s never said her parents are important at any point in TFA their importance was built up mostly because of fan speculation; if you watch TFA again; Rey’s parents are never actually given any importance other than being the reason why she never tried to leave the planet.

r/braincels or r/Iamverysmart?

r/braincels or r/Iamverysmart?

like 3 if you count DCYou and Rebirth, not counting them... 1

well in Metal’s case it was fun, didn’t kill off any major heroes, the tie-in issues were one issue per title so the storylines weren’t put on hold for too long.

why is it stupid though; it fundementally changes nothing...

It Rebirth wasn’t a reboot man.

it’s like the man was possessed by an English ghost and an American ghost and they were duking it out for his vocal chords

I question it regardless... I mean that whole controversy got stirred up because some priests who saw the film missed the start so they thought that Brian was Jesus