
except they didn’t the people there were Delos security not the offshore paramilitary lot, Stubbs wasn’t there for the operation and none of them could see that the hosts ran through the door. All they knew was that they were all running off a cliff and somehow in doing so their data cores were completely empty, as if

it was charlotte still since Dolores!Charlotte killed the original whilst she was standing over Elsie’s corpse

Start with DC Universe: Rebirth, pick up series you are interested in, Metal can essentially be dived straight into if you have a passing knowledge of 2000's DC and Scott Snyder’s batman run (not essential but they do help).

.... this issue they fixed it and simply said “Yeah they’re all the same person just reincarnated over countless lifetimes”. Literally that’s the easiest solution to the whole mess.

two immortals stuck in a constant cycle of death and rebirth whose lives stretch from Earth to Thanagar and even Krypton... also have wings and hit people with maces

What I love about this issue is that it managed to really capture the horror of Apokolips without it ever becoming like Crossed i.e. an exercise in revulsion, the casual horror of bone wine, prisoners holding up tables or being chained at the bottom of a urinal pit is legitimately disturbing because it’s just accepted

we saw him in issue 6, sitting in Highfather’s throne. this is the second issue where he has made a physical appearance.

yeah that was from Scott Snyder’s run

they’d said that they wanted to marry in their civilian identities as well but quietly

... Yes because the story still happened and can be enjoyed on its own. This isn’t hard to follow because it happens in storylines and is clearly telegraphed: DC had it’s event comic “Dark Nights: Metal”, the ending of that event led into a 4 issue miniseries called “Justice League: No Justice” which had established

they explained it. the park is basically a gigantic data mining operation to perfect Delos’ cloning tech

alas that’s the drawback of having Gary Frank’s gorgeous artwork

Infinite Crisis honestly wasnt that bad... Blackest Night at worst is a fun popcorn event. What’s truly awful are things like Countdown, Amazons Attack and Futures End

Imperious Lex was a brief arc

why not.... “The Young Lebowski”?

quick thing on the UK, the Monarch has no real political power and the Lords can only veto a bill 3 times before the Commons can force it through.

it’s very good, the reason you hadn’t heard of it was because it was aired on syfy and they did not put much effort into advertising it because they are muppets.

it depends where you are, a lot of the stuff I see on reddit has bigots on their shit list

that’s the point, within the setting, the parks aren’t aiming for historical accuracy (westworld’s revolvers are modified to take cartridges when the design is based off of a muzzle loaded gun), they want to appeal to what the consumer thinks the park should look like, consequentially the parks are very anachronistic.

Scott and Barda Free.