
somehow we went from Python to the Young Ones

the dude, couldn’t tell a lie to save his life, the best solution is to just not say a word.

I mean in all seriousness, this should never’ve even been good let alone an instant classic! Also the actual story was titled “Pway for me” and frankly that alone makes it worth buying.

man he’s been part of the league for the last 8 years, get over it.

nah that dude thinks like he’s from the 1650s

ooh someone is edgy!

Yes in Mister Miracle #1 Highfather is murdered by Darkseid and by this issue Scott has become Highfather, I won’t reveal more because frankly you should read this maxiseries, it’s fantastic.

Mister Miracle... ‘Nuff said

man, they’ve done it twice already, once with Hanna-Barbera another with Looney Tunes, all were fan-fuckin’-tastic.

I think it’s more a problem for those who are either older and/or were never interacted much with muggle society since they either had no clue what fashions were or they only remembered what people wore when they were growing up.

Basically Plas had been in a coma, he appeared in secret six during the new 52 era of DC.

she doesn’t do anything because she doesn’t need to. She outright stated that there is nothing they can do to stop her, she has the entirety of the planet under her control, she has access to collective knowledge of everything on the planet bar three people (the third being somone with an extremely rare allergy to

Clark is under Poison Ivy’s control, she doesn’t have Clark’s level of control so she made herself vulnerable to something that normally wouldn’t bother Clark

they got out, read the comics man following them through articles means you miss out on a ton of stuff.

literally this comic follows up with Superman virtually killing Batman with a single punch

worth reading my dude!

...oh dear that’s not good.

I’m clinging to the distant hope that it won’t be awful since I heard that Miller actually wrote Superman quite well in DK III. Besides, Elseworlds wasn’t exactly flawless *glares at JLA: Act of God*

nope that is Earth One, this is more Elseworlds 2.0.

Ah so it’s Elseworlds 2.0, that’s cool albeit I personally would not’ve hired Miller since his recent body of work is well... crap. Still though getting more works that aren’t bound to continuity is always awesome!