
Yeah I’m not saying that context makes Ultimatum better, it remains Marvel’s equivalent to Countdown , but it does make sense when you know it was written by someone who was in a lot of pain. I agree Marvel should have put him on a smaller book where he could have more freedom to do as he wished and wouldn’t impact

Objectively Ultimatum is awful no doubt but knowing that Loeb’s son had died a few months before he began working on that series, I kind of get why Loeb wrote such a dark and meanspirited event comic.

you have to give The Vision, Renew Your Vows and Lemire’s run of Old Man Logan a shot, they are all great especially the vision (I think theres a Hardcover trade with all 12 issues that’s either out now will be soon).

they did for an alt-universe book called The Amazing Spiderman: Renew Your Vows, it’s pretty neat but you do need to buy the secret wars tie-in to get the context since that universe does differ quite a bit from the main Marvel universe

Rebirth didn’t really blow up the New 52, in essence it reframed it from a new continuity to an altered timeline.

and undoubtably with at least 1 banner, 1 Mister Nutterbutter and a metric fuckton of snark.

UK netflix has it! Proxies man they are your friend

also his 2011 novel 11/22/63 which in my opinion has A. one of the best endings and B. the strongest miniseries hands down (granted that isn’t exactly a challenge).

Eh I can do without it since it could easily get sucked into a meta hellhole from which we’d never escape. This being said I need this crossover to become a regular thing, like even if it’s just that every year or two there is a limited series made.

well a less evil Dennis

it would be funny to do a sort of crossover, like the gang just roll up and suddenly unleash hell on the other shows for a single episode of insanity.

That’s not even an important issue, it just pisses me off because the crumpled notes are impossible to organise. But yeah those morons have no perspective whatsoever.

Ugh, there are much worse things to get disproportionately angry over. Like the government changing paper notes to a plastic-esque material (from the UK) which are pretty much impossible to straighten out.

to put it simply R&M is a funny dark comedy that is very imaginative with the situations it comes up with. Honestly it’s just arsehole fans who think it’s funny to harrass minimum wage workers because their store ran out of dipping sauce (also a general problem, I’ve been screamed at by grown men because we aren’t

I work at a McDonalds, we easily burn through 100 customers in no time at all. This will be another fiasco.

honestly that scene had me in stitches.

I agree, she’d make for a great Bev, she’d sold me on her character in The Fighter in spite of the limited time spent on her character also in my personal opinion she made for an awesome Lois Lane.

Oh good lord that is some outstanding art

the strange thing is that up until the second world war, british cuisine was considered to be one of the best, literally it was the decades of rationing that killed that reputation.

that short was hysterical