
well since so far the only way to practically use it is to either torture a semi-sentient/sentient being or genetically augment someone, that could be why. Plus it still can be that the tech and the research on it is destroyed by starfleet.

well we know that Detmer was severely injured at the battle of the binary stars hence her metal implants, it’d be interesting to see her and Burnham interact, perhaps on the anniversary of the battle.

The showrunners have already confirmed that Tyler will be in series 2

1. Refits they are a thing

Dude, she’s so far had to deal giant tartigrades, time loops, Klingon sleeper agents and alternate universes. A captain that everyone thought was dead turning up really is the least strange thing that’s happened to her for a while.

nah it was neutered

Just saying but when someone says “I have a bigass bomb that will blow up our planet if I decide to set it off” is a fairly persuasive argument.

Have you ever heard of snap judgements buddy?

in which case you still do not get the point; Kenan Kong is not Superman nor is he Kryptonian or a Daxamite, the dude is Super Man and his symbol suits his personality perfectly.

Batman/Elmer Fudd was literally one of the best single issue comics that came out last year.

In the show it was crazy addictive (though whether that was the rush from effectively becoming a speedster or a chemical addiction was unclear) and prolonged use would eventually kill the user.

It’s less compartmentalising and more realising how things are so bad it’s kind of funny.

nah he’s just pissed because it’s a pun.

... she served on the shenzou for seven years, was imprisoned for 6 months before joining the Discovery.

apart from the fact they stated in episode that the ship had been destroyed by the klingons, therby implying wreckege of the MU!Discovery was found

the thing is though, the federation believed that the Discovery had been destroyed for months so they needed to confirm without doubt they weren’t imposters, the best way to be sure: a vulcan mind meld

The issue is that these reviews do heavily accentuate the negative points whilst then downplaying positives or outright ignoring them. It’s fair for her to say that she was disappointed by Lorca being an outright villain as she felt it robbed him of his complexity, that is a valid point. However, when that comes on

I think that given Dumbledore is an extremely guarded character (and that rowling stated that Grindlewald was the first and last person he fell in love with) having him be in a relationship would be tricky to do well, that being said though they should have some LGBT+ couples in the thing.

critically and financially it’s a runaway success

the final cut of the film had the tales of the black freighter segments, it was animated in order to break it up from the main story.