
the MU has always been shown to be literally and figuratively darker, the light sensitivity is a logical consequence of that

I assume he’s like Lorca but less machiavellian, personally it’d be interesting if he was amoral and manipulative as Mirror!Lorca but it is because of the trauma he sustained

well based off the descriptions of the upcoming issues, this won’t derail things

other way around, time passes faster where they are, for selina and the gentleman they’ve only been gone for a few hours.

#3 establishes Mime ain’t fucking around with his finger gun

I personally don’t especially mind the look, it’s fairly uncomplicated yet isn’t dull, plus the characerisation of Jericho in Deathstroke has been really good so even if I didn’t like it I wouldn’t mind so much!

What’s wrong with the current Jericho?

can we not over analyse this please internet, we always do this and all that happens is that people get pissed off because they pretty much had the plot all worked out

his storyline took place over an hour....

You are definitely reading the wrong write up of you haven’t seen the show, Trendacosta always puts a really negative spin in her reviews and is reluctant to admit that anything about it was praisworthy.

I would pay good money to watch that.

they said on after trek that the modification was pretty extensive, they fucked with his genes as well in order for it to fool a basic medical scan

The Tyler/Voq twist wasn’t actually telegraphed that hard, it’s just that the internet is obsessed with uncovering everything about a show

I assume that part of the conversion was adapting his physiology sufficiently so that human blood wouldn’t be rejected by his body

so quite reasonably Burnham could have her sentencing reversed and her mutiny struck from the record?

yeah that was annoying, but apparently DC is bringing the arc titles back

Sgt Rock is Jewish (well at least in the DC Universe Holiday Special)

Sgt Rock is Jewish (well at least in the DC Universe Holiday Special)

it’s bound to be examined since she had a whole story arc focusing on her orientation and how coming out affected her professional and personal life

honestly as far as comics are concerned DC has been on a massive winning streak since Rebirth began