
Well, Batman is halachically Jewish; he and Kate are cousins on Bruce’s mother’s side and it’s the Kane side that are Jewish.

oh he rants alright! also there’s this gem:

Honestly rebirth is worth checking out, DC’s been less editorially driven since it began and the uptick in quality really demonstrates that.

I mean narratively it made sense that Tyler would attempt to murder Hugh because he was getting too close to the truth

The idea behind it was that by attacking first it would demonstrate strength which would earn them the Klingons respect. It makes sense at least to me since Vulcans would pour over the data gathered from the incident to figure out what the hell had happened and eventually would conclude that the Klingons are a warrior

In fairness to Discovery, the Vulcans are shown to largely be humanitarian, with only a minority justifying violence with logic. Hell the Vuclan Hello is in and of itself a tool for peace since it was the way they got the Klingons to actually open diplomatic channels with them.

yep I’ve been watching it on netflix, alternatively you could pay for a proxy which’ll do the same job (plus you might need it given that US interwebs is about to become shite as fuck)

nah it’s fuckin’ creepy by way of writing and artwork

and a much darker Hush

I think someones butt isn’t going to silence a firework exploding

some set them off inside their assholes

it’s time stamping that incident at some point between 1971 and 1985 when he didn’t wander around nude.

burbon? nah that fucker is the kind of ass who’d be chugging mouthwash

He did escape, right now we have Tim and Future!Tim.

I think they’ll keep them together for King’s run and possibly longer if they see a boost in sales/ the editors decide they like them together.

again I am really looking forward to the stag/hen night issues (two parters both perhaps?)

War has to win on the grounds that the Apes had managed to come out on the other side of the uncanny valley

*Captain Intensifies*

that’s what I can’t understand with the incredible hate leveled at Star Trek Discovery, they put the Federation’s ideals through the wringer and it’s clear that they’ll overcome the odds

that’s assuming the storylines were simultaneous; likely rey’s story takes place weeks before the rest of the film