
So Anika was never in as deep as she is making it appear and did not go into the backroom sessions she is saying are untrue...because, maybe, she was smarter (at that point.)

Also...now it’s a coaching business? Weren’t you just giving us the rundown on the word culture? Alluding to it is a cult and how we are all in one?


Tell me more about how you don’t care if they stay, but would judge them as nutsy cuckoo? By the way, HI Hannah, please tell everyone how you are his baby mama. I am sure they would be interested in that as you call other women nutsy cuckoo.

“If women want to leave SSM then they can and they do and it’s supported. Unless a woman leaves all crazy-style and dramatically then it’s kinda like buh-bye good riddance, if you ask me! Some women leave that way and I feel like they’d have to be investing in some crazy crap in order to cut something off that has be