
His apology is actually the dumbest part of it. The journalist actually tried to correct him and he’s throwing him under the bus now. I guess it’s too difficult to admit you were wrong/misinformed and said a stupid thing.

Which, obviously you want to review something before it airs, but I think it’s kind of useless to run this this far in advance.  Next Friday I think would maximize interest, and minimize the chance of forgetting.

I mean, Zouk is the absolute first and ONLY person I would want to voice a talking penis. Is it really even a discussion? He’s the list.

That letter nails something on the head that I thought about:  I don’t read this site because of their access to celebs, and they don’t need it.  If anything, I think most people appreciate the somewhat outsider-y footing/framing of the site, and making everyone move to LA just fucking eliminates that.  So fucking

That sucks.  Rife and Dowd are great.  G/O is not.  Learn to treat your employees fairly, you fucks.

Speaking of work being a nightmare...

This is only tangential in relation, but the trash-game economy of the app store is bizarre; so many games with ads for more games, some of which would be kinda fun games if they weren’t jammed with ads for other games. And the further down the rabbit hole you go, the ads get more suggestive, more violent, and less

One “good guy” tries to free the house elves in a subplot played mainly for laughs as that character annoys the shit out of all the other “good guys” with their overzealous attempts to change a system that’s “worked just fine” for years.

Yeah, that’s one of the dynamics the show doesn’t really make obvious or draw attention to, but it is pretty interesting how rarely Logan seems to do or say anything particularly brilliant or cunning. I mean, even at the time he said it I thought that “Hans Christian Anderfuck” was a line that more had the cadence of

Once again, it looked like Logan Roy (Brian Cox) was about to finally get his just deserts—only to reveal that he was, as usual, staying one step ahead of everyone else.

I mean, did Logan really care about getting Roman in this side? He had already won. If Roman chooses him, he just refuses to give him the position Roman betrayed his siblings for. If Roman doesn’t choose him, he gets to pretend Roman is not getting the position but would have if he’d betrayed his siblings. It’s not

He’s the worst part of the anime too, for what it’s worth.

145 minutes?! Movie bloat is completely out of control. My hot take is that 60-70% of movies can be competently told in 90 minutes, another 20-ish% told in 2 hours, and very, very few movies really need to be longer than 2 hours. In particular there have been vanishingly few comedies - no matter how dark or satirical

The overworked personal assistant of a bipolar drug addict financebro who has to continue monitoring her phone for disasters “doesn’t give a shit about him”? He knew what he was getting into when he asked her out. The lady is a busy bee. And then the grasping shitbird moves in on another gorgeous woman?

She’s been estranged from her family since high school, when she got pregnant and decided to put the baby up for adoption.

And who sits between John and Paul while they’re creating history and READS A NEWSPAPER?! I don’t understand that.

She isn’t. The whole room is filled with non-Beatles and Paul brings Linda around (often just as prominently)

“We can’t do or say anything these days...”, complains people who do and say anything these days.

I mean, I was 12! I’d heard what my parents had listened to or what was played on the top 40 stations. No, I wasn’t plugged into the hip and alternative. As I said, this was my intro. I didn’t start listening to WBRU (I’m from near Worcester) until high school! If you really need to accuse 12 year old me of being

It’s a fair observation that given her teenybopper background, a lot of people thought at the time Jagged Little Pill was basically a manufactured performance meant to make her look edgy and sell records.