
But ... think of the poor villagers!

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

Aren’t the biggest “league water carriers” who say that it’s not a league worthy arena the people who own the Islanders? 

LOL, pretty much what was expected. You made the right choice, JT. 😀

If you want to be big dummies and boo the guy who played 9 years for you entirely on super team-friendly contracts go ahead but throwing stuff? The only things you should throw should be waffles and they should be thrown to express general displeasure with your team.

“and also made him a rapist”

ive been saying this forever, kobe bryant is the fax confirmation sheet version of michael jordan. incomplete, grainy, and useless. 

Morrissey could never honestly sing “I used to hate the blacks, but now consider me a fan.”

We recognize that changes like this can be difficult for employees to understand

My brother recently claimed, with a straight face, that Irving was

a) the best point guard in the NBA
b) markedly better than Steph Curry, who my brother described as “a pretty good guard who is overrated because his team is so good.”

I will be e-mailing him this post every hour on the hour for the next week, and

Does any of it have to do with the ever-larger impact of a single NBA player? Like, NFL free agency doesn’t feel like it has the same power either, because a Khalil Mack or Bryce Harper will never be an instant conference championship ticket like a Lebron could. Exceptions of course, but on average.

He was not. Which is irrelevant unless you’re willing to argue with a straight face that literally everything that is against the law is worse than literally everything that isn’t. (Which is an argument, I should warn you, that would mark you as too stupid to keep commenting privileges on this website!)

Jesus, you guys. This is appalling and embarrassing from a comment community ordinarily as smart as ours. Levenson was not pressured to sell over the email. He was pressured to sell because the email revealed not just racism, but racism being brought directly to bear on the operations of an NBA franchise. If you don’t

Sure, if you except the flat-out false premise that Sterling was forced to sell the team solely over that recording, and not, as Bomani Jones aptly put it, as a lifetime-achievement award for being one of the most malevolent racist shitbags in the entire country as well as a blight on the entire NBA. Just because

The literal article you are commenting contains a quote from the detective working the case describing how this specific massage parlor engaged in human trafficking.  

“Nobody believed in us.”

Hot take: The original Ghostbusters wasn’t that great, and definitely wasn’t “it deserves two reboots” great.

They didn’t have a bad episode since Ben Edlund stopped working on the show.