They'll always save the day.
They'll always save the day.
I agree. Her testicles are spectacular.
Judging by the current media landscape, I'm guessing 'have rich parents, not need to be paid a living wage' is a prerequisite for modern AV Club staff.
If you say 'just like on Sex House' every time life is exactly like Sex House, you're never going to get anything done. It's going to take up all of your time.
I feel like if my name was Matt Damon I would have the good sense to shorten it to Matt Damn but I guess I've never been there. I've never walked in the man's shoes. Might be consequences I haven't considered.
I'm glad someone will be on hand to jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace.
He's not being 'children are starving in Africa and you waste your time on FEMINISM' guy, he's referencing last week's John Oliver. Soccer nonentity USA taking down FIFA is like Kesha… you get it.
Man, now I can't decide whether Veronica Mars or iZombie have the better supporting cast. Mars, even in its first season, has twice as many regulars, most of them interesting, plus a ton of great recurring characters. But iZombie has Ravi and no Duncan. Ravi and no Duncan is a tough combo to beat.
I don't even know why I just googled to check whether there was a Virtual Boy emulation scene. Of course there's a god damn Virtual Boy emulation scene.
I was a pre-teen at the time, and remember the ads and schoolyard talk making it seem like it was the most exciting thing ever. I'm sure people behind video game magazines could see the bomb coming - would they have had the opportunity to see it in action ahead of time? - and it was gone and forgotten within a month…
I'm not trying to be YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE WIRE guy, you do not *have* to watch Veronica Mars, but yes iZombie is the second time we have seen this magic trick. It is Veronica Mars 2 Still Marsin'.
Major is so good on this show that I was seriously sad about him dying, even though a toddler or observant dog could have told you he was not actually dying.
But the compromise Liv came up with was perfect! Now Blaine isn't a zombie, and can't just turn himself back into a zombie because where would he find a zombie to oh right. Or where would he find a zombie's blood to oh right he was literally standing in a pool of it.
The Major reveal was heartbreaking, but I was more heartbroken that Liv hadn't really become fast friends with Johnny Frost and that he wasn't becoming a recurring character. He could be her buddy in the media! Oh no this murder crime involves the news, don't worry Clive I have a friend who knows a thing or two…
Abed/Annie: is wrong, but they were clearly playing action movie romance pretend this whole episode. 10/10 with an asterisk.
He fits in to the show's universe weirdly well.
On one hand, Teddy was definitely playing to win and lower his rent, thus having more money, which he could use to buy things.
I would wager that something close to zero percent of the people condemning you for watching the Mayweather fight are the same people defending Polanski. It's not a contradiction for two different people on the same website to have differing opinions.
I can buy Gene being great at writing and playing his own weird songs but not having ever learned enough about music to play anything else, or with other people. But I was kind of bummed at the 'musishy' ending, and that we didn't get some hint that he'll keep taking music lessons from Ms. Merkin. I know it's a…