
People still support this piece of shit why?!?!?

If you get a chance watch a few episodes of the OG She-Ra. Then watch the reboot and see why I replied the way I did. No flame war or anything. =)

Nope. This is just more rebooted trash trying to ride on nostalgia like the rebooted Voltron series. A hard pass.

More review, less trip down memory lane please. 3 paragraphs later the review semi-starts. I gave up reading it and went to another site for an actual review.

So they announced a whole lot of nothing then? Got it.

Was the wall of text necessary?

Heat? From responding to your comment? Hardly. My opinion is that the cosplay was horrible. It is not a rude comment whatsoever. Your opinion is your own as well. However, it feels like you just had to defend the cosplayers for some reason. I must have struck a nerve somewhere. 

Am I not entitled to my own opinion sir? I commented barf because I did not like the cosplay. End of story.


Roshan was a horrible tank and I am guessing Geguri replaced him.

Dead or Alive should never have been sexualized to begin with. This is why most people don’t even care about the game anymore.

This is considered good?

Is it yours?

People are actually upset that you can play as a woman? What is wrong with people?

Never buy 3rd party when 1st party is available. The end.

If you say so internet stranger. The fact that you labeled me a troll must mean that I am one, huh Mr.Internet Judge? Sorry I am not uber excited about 2 human beings playing a video game. Also, sorry for not finding this article to be worth writing about. Some people are born to follow and some are born to be

Definitely not a troll. This just isn’t important nor major. My point of view is my own of course and you can feel the way you feel. I am just expressing my 2 cents. This is no way anything major whatsoever. If you really sit down and think about it for a second what does this all boil down to? 2 human beings playing

Jealous? Over playing a video game. Nope. Good try though.

No he doesn’t.

Not even on the same page there but nice try.