
Don’t get me started on Dr.Icheatedonmywife and TylerIthinkIambetterthaneveryone.

If that is your definition of the word major then I feel bad for you.

It’s really not. Is this going to have an effect on you in any way shape or form? Didn’t think so.

You couldn’t be more wrong since I am a streamer myself. Granted I am nowhere close to Ninja’s popularity but a streamer nonetheless. My point still stands that this isn’t anything MAJOR in gaming.

And that is major how?

My point still stands though. This is nothing major/groundbreaking/OMGTHISISREALLYHAPPENING. Its two people playing a game where one is a celebrity and the other is a streamer. There really isn’t anything special going on. These things happen all the time and they go unreported. This one gets reported and its like

How can you even consider this a “Major event”?

So a celebrity plays a game online with a stranger at its considered news? Slow night it seems.

How is this even gaming news?

I agree. I feel like Mickie would be WAY better off on another team. Like the Gladiators or Valiant. Hell even Shanghai. Anywhere but Dallas.

Good...freaking...riddance. The guy has been blessed with an opportunity to play video games FOR A LIVING and he somehow manages to mess it up by running his mouth like a degenerate. The OWL/Dallas Fuel should have gotten rid of him a while ago.

I do not find this entertaining at all. It’s cringe-worthy.

There is an option for that! Make sure you do not have Auto Log in enabled and when you are on the Profile select screen press options and you will see Appear Online and Appear Offline. Hope this helps!

Man I just cannot stand this jerk. Most arrogant fuckface in all of the FGC. How can anyone even like this tool?


Gaming no. eSports, yes.

Unless I am mistaken (please correct me if I am wrong) he is not on any esports team. So going with that notion, why is this newsworthy?

Why is this even newsworthy?

Meh. I don’t see the big draw of this guy. He acts like a total arrogant asshole online and yet people flock to his stupid channel. We are supposed to feel sorry for this jerk for being unfaithful? No thanks. He could have worked on his real life issues without announcing it to the world. More attention for an

That was plenty of time to do the Prestige NF. It doesn’t take long to get to 305. If anyone hasn’t done it yet then they are really slow and/or doesn’t care about completing it.