
Is this seriously even an issue?

I was more intrigued by this game when it was first revealed. Now it looks like your average adventure game. Hard pass for me.

Favorite character...ruined.

LUL Xbox

This is gaming news? Really?

That whole show was a major snoozefest and further hammered the point that purchasing an Xbox console is pointless IF you have a PC. Halo did look good though.

Far Cry 6 releases on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia on February 18, 2020.” That date has passed already. 2021 is the correct date. =)

Trashy person does a trashy thing and said trashy person gets removed from household. Next story.

Good riddance to stupidity. I hope more tournaments follow suit and ban his ass.

Scrap Destiny 2 and bring Destiny 3. Destiny 2 has been a shit show with nothing good going for it.

Total douchebag comment there.

Yay more unoriginal, copyrighted content. Let’s see some ORIGINAL ideas people.

This is why I am waiting for some real ORIGINAL content to show up in dreams. Seeing that people can replicate already established IP’s is not creating content. It’s unoriginal and just lame. If I wanted to play Mario, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z or any other existing IP I would just play those games.

Another boring EVO incoming.

Destiny 2 needs much more than this little crap to make the game worth playing.

I agree with the final two but not the 1st one.

The WWF wrestling game you are thinking of is WWF Wrestlefest AKA the greatest wrestling game of all time. =)

If this piece of shit was hacking in an online game then he deserves the ban. It does not matter how old he is nor if it’s his “life”. No special treatment because he is part of a gaming clan nor because it is his “career”. He knew damn well what he was doing was wrong and went ahead with the stupid idea anyway. Why

And the world keeps spinning...

Was a story really needed on this?