Expert Sources

starring a comment and even amount of times undoes the star

he said (paraphrasing): that he could shoot someone in broad daylight, and his followers would still support him

it’s not so much that you physically are touching a person’s nerve with your hands/fingers; you can twist a person’s neck and have it impinge on their nerves in the spinal cord. Anyone that says they are pinching a person’s nerve with their fingers is con-artist (aka 100% LEGIT A.F.!)

I’m guessing, it has to do with benefits/401k’s (that kind of stuff) where the initial cost might be similar to slightly more for private security, but the government doesn’t have to pay them anything additional.

The refs stop submission holds differently based on the different types of choke holds

Some fighters are so well trained that they tuck’n’roll on instinct when they’ve been knocked woozy; but they still need to have some cognition. 

Haven’t seen the aspen fight yet.

Could, implies that you know, it COULD happen; which is the correct answer. It WOULDN’T happen, but it COULD 

It’s the same for men/women. Usually they wear clothes (that are easy to remove) while walking to the scale. I’m sure a few of them (male & female) will try to showboat their sexiness when they disrobe; but usually they’re more worried about potential intimidation of their opponent. 

The owners wanted shorter-length contracts because they couldn’t stop themselves from giving undeserving players too-long of contracts for too-much (guaranteed) money.

Maybe not specifically THIS way, but she does deserve to be treated POORLY

Pretty sure he believed he could fly

Who really is going to want to trade for (Chris Paul’s) Contract?

Before the PG13 & Westbrook trades they were going to be HEAVILY taxed bc they repeatedly went over the cap... all so they could fail to get out of the 1st round.

For practical reasons, I would recommend an Outback since wagon, large guy, fiancee, dog(s), road trips; but its neither rare or weird.

Once he committed the murder, sure; they didn’t want to get him out of the punishment. But anything slightly-short of murder, he absolutely wanted to get his son out of punishment.

This is a common response i get

The guys I mentioned changed their musculature build to be good at basketball; I know they wouldn’t excel at soccer AS IS, they would need to train for the skills as well as train their bodies to be built for more distance running and less for power.

Those “tall stiffs” are also getting play’d out of the NBA and teams are increasingly moving towards having as many 6'8" (hyper athletic guys) as they can get, as long as they have the necessary skills

yeah, but how else are these guys supposed to replace their blinker fluid?