THAT, and multiple somersaults in a row help to build up a bunch of momentum. But know HOW its possible, doesn’t make it look any less amazing
At this point, cursive is almost completely useless. Learning to type of a keyboard is a more important life skill. The main reasons to still teach cursive is:
Looks like he dressed up as Eddie Lacey for Halloween.
Harden DID score 42 pts, but he took 30 shots, had 9 TO’s, and had 4 times he drew a Shooting Foul without making the shot.
I mean, I would have picked something with Team Colors, but it’s not THAT important
I was expecting to see a truck somewhere on the list (Hilux, maybe?) and also the WRX.
scrolled down to find this perfect comment, didn’t have to scroll far
Wouldn’t that make him RECYCLABLE, meaning he could come back? Let’s not bring this guy back, because he DEFINITELY is garbage.
Realistically the owner of the lot could call the cops, the cops would then ticket the Pickups for parking illegally, THEN the owner of the lot could have the Pickup towed.
that sounds TWICE as bad as previously thought
Yeah, but its not like Bro’s who would intentionally block SuperCharger stations with giant Pickups are likely to have gun racks on their Pickups...
Also Novitzky isn’t a Chemist and doesn’t have any formal background into the effect of PED’s or the testing of PED’s. His background is an investigator (essentially an Auditor). He’s Extremely skilled at finding evidence that people have taken steroids or done other illegal things. He investigated the illegality of…
The ACTUAL steroid isn’t in the system for very long, ESPECIALLY if the person was micro-dosing. What stays in the system much longer is the metabolite. Most of the time, PED tests don’t find the actual steroid, they find EVIDENCE of the person using the steroid. In Jones case, the metabolite is the evidence that he…
This is really an easy one. If you are standing up, its ENTIRELY your fault if you get kicked in the eye. Good on your opponent, bad on you.
I saw it more of as Cyborg realized she was massively hurt and started swinging wildly hoping to get a lucky Knockout of Nunes
If that was the only time Jones took the PEDs then yeah it wouldn’t be very helpful; but it’s unlikely it’s the only time he took it.
There never has been a reason to think Nunes is juicing. Nunes has always been an elite 1st round fighter. Her weakness has been stamina to last multiple rounds. She even looked visibly doughy in this fight (makes sense since she moved up a weight class). The same can not be said for Cyborg. It doesn’t take an expert…