Expendable Crewman Number Six

Um so yeah I’m a wife on an employee. They made it very, very clear from the beginning that having every other Friday off was temporary. I was surprised it lasted this long. It was only started due to the stress of Covid and they were worried people wouldn’t be taking enough mental health days when they were forced

Tell me you’ve never played a Metroid game before without telling me you’ve never played a Metroid game before.

I mean, it seems pretty clear that management was fucking up if they weren’t accounting for folks being off on Fridays when it was technically official policy for half the company to be out on those days.

As long as no one says “sex big dick” in the chat I think they’ll be fine

I’m pretty sure everybody is still just gonna call him McCree. whenever somebody mentions “Cole Cassidy” there’s gonna be a whole lot of......

Yep. And if you complain to someone that your manager/team isn’t following the rules you’ll be considered “not a team player” or you’re “rocking the boat.”

If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.

Oh for sure! I just realized that my enthusiasm on the whole “remove their mask in your presence” might be a little too sci-fi and kinda dystopian if something like this really does happen to all of us.

Regardless of how many people are in your group, you could have the entire group go with wireless, noise cancelling ear buds and a Zoom meeting (or any other meeting app). I didn’t have to do it with a mask on, but I have a yearly site visit from an auditor that we did over Zoom and the area is noisy as hell. I got

Wasn’t expecting antivaxxers to delay herd immunity long enough for this to go into production.

No one cared who I was until I put on a mask that lit up different colors.

I get what you’re saying but it seems to strike a bit of a negative tone. My take on all this is, well the voice amp thing would have been nice, but costs need to be kept down as they certainly aren’t making these in any real mass production capacity. When/if they do, then maybe the costs can come down to introduce

This would be perfect for cons. For PAX South I plan on wearing my Volante Design masks with filters in place. 

It’s pretty comparable to most generic MMOs from over a decade ago.

Oh, and if you’re fortunate enough to be able to get on with subtitles, definitely use those. It defaulted to dubbed for me, and I quickly switched that over - it completely flattened everything.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

It’s not SWG.

But it’s the closest I’ve had to that feeling in a long time. It’s got just the right balance between focused systems and open sandbox for me.


RIP in pieces SoE. 

You’re part of the problem.

We’re really at the point that major corporations have to remind players of the Golden Rule huh

“You have my sword.”