Even better? Don’t alter the jiggle physics AT ALL and see how weird it looks for big flaccid cocks to titty jiggle.
Even better? Don’t alter the jiggle physics AT ALL and see how weird it looks for big flaccid cocks to titty jiggle.
Holy shit. I wonder if most characters in that game have hugely obvious bulges.
Better option, let’s barrage Sony with hyperbolic insults as the internet does when this stuff comes up to discourage this sorta thing from happening more often.
I like that, I like that a lot.
Sure, what do you know?
I wonder how many North Koreans know the footage/pictures are fake. Around here we only hear about it because it’s fake and there’s thousands of people with the skills to deduce such.
How do you pronounce it? I kind of want to pronounce it “doggie”
Spoiler warning: Video isn’t nearly as hot as the headline would have you believe.
Thanks! So basically it was originally referred to as doge when the meme started. Was kinda hoping there was more significance behind the weird spelling. Oh well.
What’s with spelling Dog with an “e”? Been seeing that a lot lately, has to do with that meme dog that’s I think the same breed, right?
I would have liked this article more if it was just a picture with no explanation.
First dude needs to get out of that. Long distance relationships usually aren’t worth the pain, especially in a case like this where she’s meeting with gift giving lingerie guy.
Sweet! Please do add me, I’ll make sure to do the daily challenge tonight, away for a couple days after that.
Anyone around here do the PlayStation daily challenges? Competing with kotakuites could be cool.
Don’t say that, gonna have me online shopping for a Charizard card I don’t need lol.
They’re undoubtedly beautiful (love how he tries to extend the original art) but, there must have been a better way to do the text, right?
Oh nooooooo.
Violence never solves anything. Unless you smack causes decapitation, that’d be a definitive solution to the whole me spewing bullshit situation.
That (awesome) joke illustrates another huge problem with the illusion, the stance doesn’t look right if you’re to see his fist as an ass.
The thumb is throwing me off too. Thumbs aren’t supposed to be in butts......I mean, unless nobodies got a cock handy.