
AskJeeves is on kotaku and he’s a filthy grey?!

Maybe that’s my problem, maybe I have to look at it - hard-

I’m usually an expert at eyeballing ass, but I just don’t see it.

“I’d tell you to commit suicide, but then you’d have a kill.”

Buh-but the name was so cool.

That looks like an excellent new product I’d like to invest my money in for the very fifth time ever.

Is there any real reason to get vega protein powder over any other protein powder, or is it just to specifically cater to vegans?

Is there any real reason to get vega protein powder over any other protein powder, or is it just to specifically

You’ve got a strange point, for a minor game like this they might just never officially announce it... But, they’d definitely do a press release the day it releases along with whatever else their PR person is forwarding that day, right?

When I briefly downloaded them I remember the naughty desktop companions being comparatively less interactive and more of a tiny peep show than anything. I’m glad the companions progressed past that to properly please your pecker ;-)

Which games? All I can recall playing was this with these weird sheep that loitered around your desktop shitting, butting heads and what not. They were the best.

This is so cool.

Bonus, I remembered that I used to use Windows 95 when I was in grade school. That logo has aged really well, my eyes are enjoying seeing it again.

Is the game blurred out too?

I’m thinking they started to lose faith in whatever f2p monetization they were implementing, it looked fairly far along. Here’s hoping it hasn’t been abandoned and gets relaunched as a full price game.

This was a great idea for a post! Enjoyed being reintroduced to so many cool stories from the year. I didn’t catch Sad Satan earlier though, that made for some gripping before bed reading.

If anyone’s looking for some of the critical information about that on the reddit, it’s been deleted, here’s a backup.

Witcher is on sale for 30 at Walmart till the end of the month. If it’s out of stock see if you can buy it from their site.

I came here to say the exact same thing as you (minus the purchasing it part) If you have the time and feel like it, lemme know how you feel about the second one.

Yea, let’s hope he is too. Wouldn’t kick that dude outta bed for drinking all the vodka.

That’s impressive as hell, what a killer body and badass cosplay, good for him.

What are you calling bullshit on exactly?

Thanks for the reminder! Have a long ass drive tomorrow, gonna download a couple of these to listen to.