That has a nice ring to it.
That has a nice ring to it.
I said Vancouver because you guys are notorious for tons of rain, you’re a giant city so I can see more experimental things like this happening also giant city means someone in the comments reading may actually be from the specified city, and I see Vancouver as much more seedy than Japan (and I was sort of hoping to…
Can anyone from Vancouver comment if they’ve seen anything like this before, and if so how fast was the “honour system” broken?
Forget best Vita game, Spelunky is the greatest game of all time.
There’s no way I would know the answer to that question if it weren’t for the “from the creators of Halo” bit at the end.
That’s actually super classy looking. Would want for Retro Remix and Cuphead.
Damn son! That beautiful box got all the pixels goin’ for it.
Not a Halo fan, but that’s a sexy ass VHS player.
That’s a shame too because Destiny’s textless logo is perfectly minimalist and could be positioned very fashionable on clothing.
Vault Boy makes the design extra asymmetrical, damn him and his poorly positioned positivity.
As someone who doesn’t get any spark in the schlong while looking at that bikini outfit, it is admittedly nice looking. It’s a cool albeit simplistic design that incorporates a physically alluring barely clothed body. From a strictly aesthetic point I could imagine why this would frustrate some.
This is so freaking bizarre. Maybe he’s on vacation but his contract ends December but Kojima and co workers know Konami aren’t going to renew the contract so that’s why they had the going away party?
I remember this method of aiming working extremely well in a Vita game, I think Golden Abyss.
It makes sense given the history so I’m cool with it. If Falcon had no political leanings and suddenly became Captain Politics then I’d... Care mildly less than I already do about him (I do think his design as C.America is sweet though, and it’s cool he can fly rather than super strength, makes him unique and still…
That’s one impressive looking guy...Er, I mean gun. Yup, that’s one good looking gun.
Any specifically crude panels/favorites of yours from them that you’d care to share? They sound terrific and I enjoyed today’s sfw panel, even if it sorta lacked a punchline.
Ya definitely, that’s why I’m asking, if they’re mostly nsfw then that’s right up my alley lol. Thanks for chiming in bro, I’ll have to check them out.
Is it usually nsfw?
Tricking G into custody when he freely admitted his fanboy crime and wanted to help them with working as security seems like a dick move on Gabe’s part. I don’t see how they stand to benefit from G’s arrest.