
When you think of it like that, then there’s about 10-20 universes where they didn’t plow (official anime, manga, non canon movies, gt, Abridged, video games etc) 10 million dimensions where they’re banging like apes, 70 million universes where they’re fucking Sailor Moon and 1 million universes where they’re screwing

Oh man, I’m sorry to break this to you, but Goku and Vegeta have been having an immeasurable amount of furious saiyan sex since the dawn of rule 34.

Seriously? I don’t even dig chicks and I’m not particularly into anime porn yet I’ve seen Goku porking Sailor plenty of times.

In case your wondering the bro with the tall black sometimes blonde hair plowing the blonde bun headed chick are Goku and Sailot Moon.

Ya let’s turn Leonardo Da vinci the father of modern science into a big titted mage, that seems appropriate lol. Hey let’s put Attila the Hun in, what comes to mind when you think of the bro murdering leader of the Huns? Big boobs, swim suits and rainbow swords of course!

“I don’t think it matters whether it’s a game of ours or not,” said Johnson, “but I do agree that walking into a pre-existing, very mature community is probably not the best place to start.”

These strangely reminded me of carnival prize plushies.

Ah, that’s too bad. Thanks for the info!

No way he’s a super Saiyan, maybe it’s some special effects he plans to work into his next tournament fight?

Oh interesting. Is HotS more like DOTA or LoL in this regard?

I came to the comments for prison rape jokes.

I don’t pay attention to e sports, but wasn’t everyone going crazy couple weeks ago or so because America was actually winning or something? Sorry, hard to be more specific when I’m going off headlines.

That comment makes me feel like Lego dc vs marvel will happen... I totally wouldn’t be surprised to see Lego marvel zombies.

That old logo is way too busy. But the new one is pretty boring and looks like it’s meant to help kids with their alphabet. If they made a logo that used their previous font perhaps in front of a sailing boat wheel or some other simple adventurous imagery, they could probably make a really attractive logo.

Then turn on porn or even better if your TV has a camera on it for some reason (smart TV, game console) turn on the camera so you can use it as a mirror.

I basically have the same thing as the dude you made fun of (infinite humping stamina, if they want me to blow I can get to that point with help from my hand) and I don’t see why it’s such a tragic thing to mock or poke fun at, I and whoever I’m porking tend to enjoy it.

For what it’s worth, your comment made me chuckle.

I am pretty stoned though.

That dragon line is the best, I can’t wait to figure out a way to use that. Should probably remove it from my mind until after Thanksgiving coming up, don’t figure my family would appreciate that line as much as I do.

“Someone please get the guys who made cartridge games a cigarette and a blindfold”

Because they just got fucked? But that works for the cigarette bit, the blindfold would have come during the fucking.

Or is the blindfold so they can look away/not see how much they fucked up, and the cigarette is to calm their nerves

Thanks for introducing me to this YouTuber, he’s got some cool videos.