
This has replaced all of my fantasies ALL OF THEM!

I agree with the sentiment here, but Bay's movies make a fuckton of money.

And it's not like you can't make a movie with Gwen's death in it, it's just that it was shoe horned into ASM 2 in what felt like the last possible second. God fuck that movie so hard.

A good script? PFFFT let's just shoot the thing and then spend money desperately trying to fix it.

And the thing that none of the studios attempting this shared universe boondoggle is that they don't have a shred of patience. They saw all the money Avengers made and said — "THAT! I WANT THAT GET ME THAT!" But didn't actually think for two seconds how much work Marvel put in to building up to Avengers.

It's a better Indiana Jones movie than Crystal Skull.

That movie really is a blast. The sequel is fun too…albeit with some cringe inducing (even for the time) CGI.

What also seems puzzling to me is that none of these people seem to understand a movie theater's business model, or how movie theaters work in general. For fuck's sake JUST SEE A DIFFERENT SCREENING AT THE SAME GODDAMN THEATER! Or do these people also find it a basic infringement on their rights when a screening sells

Um, of course physics would work differently in the Star Wars universe. It's not real. As long as the "rules" of the world are consistent it doesn't matter.

Kind of…It's very slow to get going and I felt like the first season had a lot of wheel spinning. That being said, there's some good stuff in it…so I say it's worth a watch. First season is on Hulu too…

"I think Trump is a patriot and believes in America but moreso in a sense as a salesman believes in the product he's selling."

Man of Steel is a legit good movie…up until the final battle where the film takes all the interesting thematic stuff it was working with and takes a hot steamy dump on it.

Well, I agree with the obnoxious fan stuff, but when Tyson criticizes the scientific reality of Star Wars it does come across like he hates fun.

Jesus that issue is so fucking weird…

Keep it that way.

Or House Party 3!

And then we can FINALLY get a Spider-Man v Batman 2099: Dawn of the Amalgam Universe.

"Logan, while amazing, is awfully cynical, and seems to really fucking hate comics. So much so, it's literally a theme in the film."

YUP! It's also why Batman v Superman's tone didn't work, because we didn't have enough time with those versions of Batman and Superman to do a deconstruction.

What was so so so funny (not funny haha) revisiting that movie in 2004 the Bush era was how Cliff Robertson's president was Reagan and Bush's baby.