
It's actually a lot like the mafia in "The Dark Knight" turning to the Joker for help, but they didn't understand what they were getting in the bargain.

It seems to me that in the face of the oncoming ice zombie apocalypse a lot of the old rules and laws are gonna get thrown out the window pretty quickly…

And for a good portion of the series Jon was under the impression Theon burned HIS brothers alive.

Not sure what happened with it, but Joe Cornish (director of Attack the Block) was attached to develop Snow Crash into a movie. That was YEARS ago so It might be dead now.

Funny thing about that, it was originally going to be a February release then it was going to be released in July and then moved one week to August.

Raymond Luxury Yacht er Throat Wobbler Mangrove.

Frank Muller. He read books 2 - 4 and then was in a horrific motorcycle accident in 2001, so he wasn't able to read books 5-7 (King dedicated book 5 to him). George Guidel does the revised Gunslinger and books 5-7, he's good too, but not as good as Muller.

For me it took me two attempts to finish Wizard and Glass…but now that I think about it it's my favorite book in the series. There's a lot of set up, yes, but once that novel gets going it REALLY gets going. The air of tragedy at the end is pretty amazing.

I think the implication is that Grimlock is more animal like? I don't really know…


More to the point Bay clearly HATES the Transformers as characters. And the only way to really make this concept work, at all, is to make the Transformers work as characters.

The 1986 movie is actually kinda good. As far as Star Wars rip-offs go that movie had heart, character, and an actual fucking story.

I mean in the third movie he lets most of Chicago get incinerated to prove a point and then gets hung up in some wires for 30 minutes. In these movies Optimus Prime is the WORST!

They've always been here…each movie goes farther back in the past to reveal that the transformers have been here before…

Grandkids meet need to go to college. I don't begrudge him for making some easy cash for about 4 days worth of work I'm assuming.

None of them are. NONE of them. People make the case that the first one is fun. But it's not, not really.

*SIGH* he arrives on Earth in the prehistoric past. Which is made a big deal of in the opening moments of Transformers 4. This fact is prompt forgotten until the climax (about 2 hours later) when Optimus Prime comes riding into battle on the T-Rex.

"This is from someone who defends the Fast and furious franchise and Vin diesels 'one last ride' stchick."

It's the ONLY thing he's good at.