
YUP. He's basically Brig. Gen. Jack Ripper from Dr. Strangelove.

Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you and I hate BvS with the fire of a thousand suns. And I agree with you about Wonder Woman's color palette. However, people are saying Wonder Woman is pretty good and not as grim and dark as the trailers suggest, but who really knows?

In DC's defense this seems like what they're trying to do…it's just executed so poorly…

"He was a friend, but like all dead-heads I encountered he would never listen to any music other than the Dead, a constant looped soundtrack of Garcia solo's nearly 8 hours a day."

Sorry, you're wrong! It's nature's harmonius time cube!

GOING to be?!?!



Got your remote island and artists and scientists picked out yet?


Until the eventual crossover where two directors and their wives' roleplay fantasies come together for the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!

Will his mind reading space octopus come with him?

I love that he's the only one speaking English and EVERYONE just understands him.

Good god, do I have so many fucking problems with that Batman Superman fight!

AND for a guy who's totally afraid of failure… he fails over and over and over again until he succeeds.

Isn't that kinda the whole movie? Watered down greatest hits covers of all the X-Men movies to date?

Granny's Peach Tea

It's a great idea and thematically rich ground to till. It's just too damdn bad that the film is so confused about what story it wants to tell that it never bothers to explore ANY of this.

Hellz yeah! I even liked the joke that came after that, "I'm a friend of your son." "I guessed". The whole thing seemed to have wandered in from a completely different, better movie.

Yeah, I liked the movie well enough but there were lots of set ups for payoffs that never came. Even character arcs felt like they were missing! Ghostbusters is the wrong type of material for Feig's "Improvise and let it bake in the edit" style.