
Yeah, I think a lot of folks were voting AGAINST Clinton but not thinking what they were actually voting FOR.

Project A-Ko was my first on the Sci-Fi channel when they showed Saturday morning Anime.

I must read this…

Why did the Bro Triplets transport that kid to the beach through the viewmaster if he was just gonna steal their chicks?

Except you could easily adapt that change to Idris Elba, by having her call him an Uncle Tom. Same impact, story doesn't change at all.

"Roland Deschain was white in the original source material, and that actually mattered to the story."

The CW would be a perfect fit for something like that!

Shit, yeah, I forgot to mention Gershon in Showgirls (I don't know how…)!

What's interesting about Basic Instinct, Starship Troopers, and Showgirls is that it seems like Verhoeven is the ONLY one involved who's in on the joke. Everyone else from the actors on down is taking everything 100% seriously. Except mmmaybe Neil Patrick Harris in Troopers.

It's fun. Big dumb fun. BUT it's not as big, dumb, or fun as you want it to be. It's not a waste of time, but it could have been so much better.

There's a movie about that…

I suppose it will be different if those scandals directly impact voters?

Pence looks better from the outside, but he's far more evil. He's a true believer. A guy who tried to make a law to force women to have a funeral for aborted AND miscarried babies.

Coming back to this in light of what happened last night. It appears that this terrifying sentiment is the truth about a majority of Americans.

It will be refreshing that Black Panther and Spider-Man won't be origin stories.

Completely understand, I wasn't judging you who I don't know or these people who I also don't know, but on it's face MAN that thought is scary.

Seriously?!?! I mean, I'm not surprised at all, but SERIOUSLY?!?!

Question, do you have the same problem with Donald Trump having a $1.5 million speaking fee?

"I want change, but don't care about the vehicle" is a frighteningly stupid concept.

Probably the most important U.S. election since Lincoln…