
I was having this exact same thought. in 2012 the thought of Romney becoming president did not give me anxiety attacks. I wouldn't have been happy, mind, but I wasn't actively worried about him winning.

Was it called Hitchcock Blonde? I'd heard about that play ages ago and have always wanted to see it!

"The Walrus and the Warwolf" by Hugh Cook. One of the ten volume Chronicles of an Age of Darkness series. It's deeply weird, but pretty funny.

God I have so many… Big fan of the Faun from Pan's Labyrinth. I love the Beast in Brotherhood of the Wolf. But I think I've gotta go with Godzilla as my all time favorite.

Look, I'm in love with Emily Dickinson and I will tell her I will TELL HER!!!!!!! AND SHE WILL LOVE ME AND WE'LL BE HAPPY!!!!

WHAT IS THIS!?!? HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS?!?! I need this movie like I need oxygen.

This show is a such a waste of its premise.

"They're Graboids I tell you!" Promptly gets eaten by a worm.

Pretty much all the Tremors movies after 2 are hot hot garbage.


Yeah when that moment happened it was really hard for me to tell if the movie was sincere or a parody.

But that's not the Dark Knight's fault. Also The Dark Knight has Batman say: This city just showed you it's full of people ready to believe in good!

$400 million and they couldn't figure out a better fucking reason for her to be there?!?!

YES Southland Tales!

That's amazing.

I laughed long and hard at the full minute of screen time Batman took to stare at the picture of Wonder Woman from 1911. With a blaring sound cue. All I could think was "$400 million and THIS was all they could come up with to introduce this character?"

"You're actually wrong considering there is a director's cut of the film that is considered much better than the theatrical cut."

A dour tone isn't the problem with BvS. It's that the story doesn't justify the tone and makes the movie a chore to sit through. Nolan's Batman movies justified their tones. But here's also a key factor they ALL had moments of levity in them.

If you read nihilism into Nolan's Batman movies I think you're missing a huge chunk of what they're doing thematically.

They did, but WB wanted BvS to hit the billion bench mark and it couldn't quite hack it. So it's deemed a disappointment.