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    No Marvel is in a slump. The industry is doing just fine. Marvel won’t admit that their problem is too many event series (one after another) and “soft” reboots restarting with issue #1 on major books. If they actually supported the characters (new and old) instead of tying everything into some poorly conceived event

    So the choices are: 1. Fly but be treated like garbage and 2. Fuck off.

    But let the market police itself, right?

    No, he never had the chance to go back and change things! He wasn’t a billionaire so he never had that kind of control after he parted ways with TSR.

    It does pay...in spades.

    Watch the John Oliver bit on her and Kush. It’s quite the eye-opener. There’s zero evidence they’re liberals.

    I’m glad you got the job, but exposing people to norovirus is EXTREMELY dangerous. Please, never ever do that again. You also don’t know what other folks’ situation is when it comes to their health—such as whether they have a compromised immune system. You could have put someone at risk for serious health issues.

    It’s pretty shitty. Even my local paper was verbally and physically abusive, and flailing his arms before he lost his balance and struck his mouth on an armrest.

    Preferably little ones!

    When backing up a big SUV or other monster truck, befuddled driver inside can’t manage to actually turn the wheel enough so must perform a series of tiny steering wheel turns and lurches before finally exiting parking lot.

    If you can’t drive a big vehicle or are too afraid to drive it. DON’T.

    Seriously, what kind of asshole brings his beloved dog to a shit factory?

    Yep. Kids never make mistakes. Including when you were a kid.

    That’s an apocalyptic future I don’t wanna see.

    Agreed. My mom was always social and kind to other parents, but she never hung out with them. Those were just my friends’ (or in some cases classmates’ and not even really my friends’) parents.

    She had her own damn friends.

    Okay, but how does one get rich so I can pare things down to where I am now? THAT’S the info I’m looking for.

    Those are just reported cases where it was correctly identified though. There are likely many more that aren’t ever reported and it’s just chalked up to a 24 hour virus. Or blamed on another dish.

    Another word for “Peace of Mind” is “lazy”. Maintenance? Repairs? Who does that anymore! ;-)

    Never did get the Kickstarter key. Might as well just go buy it now.

    Haha. No I’ve seen law enforcement tell a neighbor that if contact is made—even incidental—they’ll call animal control. Whether they were being dicks or not isn’t really a chance I want to take with my own pets.

    Huh? I said seconded. As in, I agree with your statement. I was adding to what you said—not contradicting.

    Agreed. And an “attack” doesn’t have to be lunge with teeth—it could be knocking down a 3 year old to get to that squirrel. He wasn’t going for the kid, but it’s still contact in the eyes of the law and the afflicted.