The Waco Kid

In all seriousness, I think YOUR shields would have to be down too, in order to transport stuff on THEIR ship. At that point, firing a photon torpedo into the enemy’s hull is effective enough. Plus, starfleet would probably not go in for the ethical implications of transporting body parts and so forth :)

Someone turned me onto it recently, I hadn’t heard of it either - it’s great!  You should be able to find it pretty much anywhere, since you know to look for it now.

Wow, you’re right!  Thanks for that.

Gilligan’s Planet

This is the best. TIL the following Governor was named after a man who could fart at will

Thank you! I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see Snake Eater mentioned. AWESOME ending to an all-time great game!

Thanks!  My experience with Lens was that it just said “Maybe computer equipment?” no matter what I pointed it at :)

Chef John from Foodwishes said the same thing too!  In his homemade ketchup video ironically.  He basically said “don’t make this” haha.  I think he just did it because people kept asking.

Yep - how well does Bixby work? Lens is not quite there yet, I couldn’t get it to identify anything correctly. Lens reviews on Google Play kind of tell that story:

Someone should make a supercut of all the times Will Ferrell has said the name “Beverly” through the years while ad-libbing. Seems like it would be a lot :)

And even then, I read somewhere that he later regretted that. “There’s so much in this world we can learn, no matter how young, or how old, we are.”

Ah, OK - I need to rewatch it myself then! Duet is great.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, “The Drill.” You won’t know why this big attack is going on, but you’ll get a good introduction to the characters, and how bending works, plus a phenomenal fight at the end.

Super late to the party, but hey:

No sir/ma’am, no bullshit. It makes them crispier - there’s heated debate on the subject, so without starting that up again, however you fix your hot dog is cool, there’s no best way :)

I’m digging that boxer - awesome stuff.

Looks like spiral cut, the only way to go