Richard Effing Nixon

Fuck Elon Musk and this bullshit People’s Champ act he’s trying to convince everyone of now that there’s a backlash. He made his bed with Trump, no amount of backtracking now will change that.

maybe you should lay off the corn, buddy...gettin’ a wee bit aggressive...

We’re so fucked.

To conservatives, he’s done no wrong. This is exactly what they’ve been talking about since Reagan and now they have the power to pull it off. Remember all that stuff about how the two parties are exactly the same?

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

Why should she escape the glare? She’s already claimed that her issue as FLOTUS will be to stop bullying... of her husband. Why infantalize this nearly 50-year-old adult human? She’s just as complicit in all this as the rest of her chosen family.

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

See: all the posts and comments on here prior to the election about ivanka.

I actually find the “Melania secretly wants out” theories to be really sexist. Can this woman not make a decision for herself? She’s been married over a decade to him, we really think she has no agency at all in this relationship? It’s gross. She’s with him because she wants to be with him, plain and simple.

I made some drunken rant before about how I can’t really hate her.

The bias people have toward believing attractive people are some how “good” is annoying.

1. When men asked that exact question, it prompted the same reaction as Chait today. I think it was reported here as well.

Part E is where you get people fucked up. I’m a blue-collar white dude: Privilege and benefits? More than people of color, sure. But we aren’t all born apart of some oppressive class. Are all Germans Nazis? “Any straight white dude not with us, is against us,” is the same rhetoric that lost the election.

I feel gross about him not because he is a SWCM, but because his whole approach of being annoyed at the name of a march is so stupid. That’s like saying the BLM movement/marches should all be called Anti-Police Brutality.

This dude is bending over backwards to please the commentariat on here, while supporting feminist causes, and still gets spoken down to like he is a child. Just wow. SMH.

The comments in this post, not to mention the article as a whole, has been pretty heavy on the “He’s a vile jackass” quotient, much less on the “come on, idiot, just google search”.

I honestly don’t get the Jonathan Chait hate. Yes, he was in favor of the Iraq War. Certainly worthy of ridicule. But that was 15 years ago! So were lots of other center-left pundits who are subjected to far less internet ridicule 15 years later.

Right? My rational mind thinks it is all kinds of messed up to withhold citizenship because of a difference of opinion but my petty mind is all “hahahahahahahahhahahahaha vegans.”

This is it essentially. WE have The ability to video call and talk to people face to face when ever we want. People prefer to use text.