Richard Effing Nixon

Sergei Brin was out protesting yesterday. We all make our own choices.

We might consider detaining people who have demonstrated that they truly threaten US national security. For instance, Donald Trump.

Consider that he needs to be liked most by the people around him. Consider who those people are. You think it was Cheeto’s idea to move the Israel embassy to Jerusalem or reinstate the global gag rule on abortion? Kushner, Pence.

In the real world.

“Hey guys, don’t bite my head off, but...”

Of course it’s predictable; it’s an obvious truth that you’ve chosen to ignore.

Lesson 1: One good to not be an asshole is to not insult a large and diverse ethnic or racial group by declaring them to be in need of this training handbook.

Yes but we know it’s a romantic scene rather than a rapey scene because the John Williams music in the background indicates that this is all okay.

You sound like the kind of Mexican who still needs to see that long form birth certificate.

Hello, it appears that you are using the word “sheeple” unironically. Please be aware that this is a severe rhetorical fallacy and repeated offenses are punishable by escalating mockery, culminating in the invocation of Godwin’s law.

Do you find that arousing? No judgement here. I for one do not.

I saw that movie, it was called Guardians of the Galaxy.

What are you, mining BitCoins? Nintendo figured out a long time ago that the extent to which a console is valuable is the extent to which it’s fun to play games on. I’m sure none of that will be inhibited by triangle counts. On the other hand, taking your home console to the airport or DMV, that’s valuable.

I want to live in that fantasy world where the actual mainstream Republicans are similar to Hillary Clinton, and the left can be the left. It sounds like a great place and I’m a swing voter.

Why is that smart? Satisfying, sure. I want the cryptoracists called out as much as there next guy, but what does that accomplish?

I don’t think of Clinton as being particularly idealistic. She’s a transactional politician; she wants to bring home the bacon. Right now her job is to assemble a coalition of supporters that is broad enough to win the presidency. When she becomes president, her job will be to deliver for those people so that they

The thing about big time Republicans supporting Hillary is that their support makes them a constituency she needs to please. If you’re campaigning with Meg Whitman’s money it’s harder to say things that Meg Whitman doesn’t like.

You don’t seem to understand. Those 35 year olds claiming that such and such ruined their childhood?