
Yeah, Phish playing “Weigh”. So that you think the company may have gathered all your work friends, and crammed them into a small swimming pool, to see how much they weigh. 5lbs? 7lbs? And shots of green chartreuse which turn out to be wheat grass and Pabst. Ya know, to save money.

Tomato powder.

I suggest that anything barrel aged is going to be much more palatable for the hop averse. Why aren’t there barrel aged IPAs? Because every brewery that purports to be "making" IPAs is really just buying surplus adjunct swill from a wholesaler and dumping those nasty spider egg shaped flowers into the kegs. Those

About a minute after you turn it off with the lid off it's not really hot to pull out.

You need to try Raising Cane’s. Chicken Fingers, always cooked to order. Garlic bread Texas toast, always cooked to order. Cane’s sauce, delightful. Smash together and shamush.


A little more information here:

You forgot the transition that overshadowed the introduction of the internet.

Goo Gone is an oil! It will just increase the oil stain. Get Greased Lightning

Use a dish washer tab. A little water to create a paste. It will melt right through any stubborn burned on grease.

Why not just get a case of SpinDrift and a bottle of Vodka?

The Bruins got rid of their captain at the time because Thornton is a super massive black hole of a loser in the playoffs. The only way the Sharks are getting anywhere in these playoffs is with the team Donaghy officials paving the way.

You’re missing the Jibarito, I make mine with toum. Also, Pastrami Rachel kills the ruben all day long.

Get some tomato powder. Sprinkle on your sliced tomatoes with a little salt. Fixes them so they taste right.

How about mounting a stair climber on each step so that you can keep walking while staying still?

You can get that shady referb Aeron any day from the peeps behind that ebay post. It’s just Madison Seating. The MS owners have been sued several times by Herman Miller for undercutting their prices.

You can get that shady referb Aeron any day from the peeps behind that ebay post. It’s just Madison Seating. The MS o

What you have is fine. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Did you sicken or gross out someone by over/under cooking. Save your money to upgrade your grill or fridge or dishwasher or a nice piece of meat. https://www.cooksillustrated.com/videos/3894-digital-instant-read-thermometers

What you have is fine. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Did you sicken or gross out someone by

Use butter powder. It distributes fine, and doesn’t sog your corn

I am suspicious of all cake. Most taste like artificial chemicals and bitter heavy metals to me. If forced, I'll scrape off all frosting and take a test bite. Just don't invite me if you're offended by me not wanting to eat any cake. If you made it from scratch or it's from a high-end wedding cake specialist I'd