
I truly am an artiste:

Wonderful idea! What was funny is the way I said ROBICELLI!” Everyone stopped and looked at me and one nurse said “Is he the guy who painted the Venus portrait?” I said “No, that’s Botticelli and it’s a she, but she is—an ARTISTE!”

If this goddamn pandemic ends I will come to your hospital and cook for you guys anytime. (You’ve got to pay for airfare and lodging, though, because I make a writer’s salary)

Two days ago at work I was taking a quick break waiting for an ER patient (shoveling food and beverage like a lumberjack at a food eating contest) and browsed my email. Up pops the subject lineWith Spicy Ramen Breakfast Grilled Cheese, you truly can have it all” looked up to my co-workers at the ICU station desk and

One of the world’s most perfect sandwiches is Muenster cheese on toast with a beautiful summer tomato and Duke’s mayo.

You’re going to burn in hell for that, Dead Elvis. 

TIL what chili crisp is.  I suspect my life will be forever better for it.

yeah, I eat them too. I don’t know what the writer is talking about here.

Counter-tip, if you are microwaving sweet potatoes, DO pierce them or BOOM!  They will cook in about 4 mins, but will definitely pop like a balloon if you don’t let the steam out.


I eat the sweet potato skins all the time.  Just  little butter and salt

Someone already mentioned Zvox. They have a $200 soundbar entry that gets good reviews. They also make a “base” that you simply put your TV on top of. I have a base that I really like. The dialog enhancement works relatively well. More importantly, the sound is great for the price.

Someone already mentioned Zvox. They have a $200 soundbar entry that gets good reviews. They also make a “base” that

If you are looking for a sound bar for someone who is hard of hearing, ZVOX has some that makes hearing the dialogue easier for them.

If you are looking for a sound bar for someone who is hard of hearing, ZVOX has some that makes hearing the

How I have I never heard of this until now? Trying it tonight. Much thanks.

Yes, I by no means jump to Starr’s defense on any given day, lol, but I’m also not sure what he did wrong here.

he should have foreseen COVID happening when he was househunting in 2019 and not bought the house. Duh

Other than you not liking him for whatever “drama” he may or may not be responsible for, do you have a single piece of evidence to suggest these claims are fraudulent?

Aha! I will try that next. Thanks, everyone, for helping me troubleshoot!

High school wrestling and boxing (not in school) really gave me a head start in MCMAP in the Corps. It really gets you surprisingly far in life. Better yet, don't mess with a Marine who got an education in MCMAP beyond the boot camp level.