Judith and Holefernes, by Artemisia Gentileschi.
Judith and Holefernes, by Artemisia Gentileschi.
Honestly? I used to beg my abusive ex-husband to stop being nice to me because it just confused me and made me feel worse. I know you’re trolling, but I just cannot scroll past that. Abusers start out nice. Otherwise they’d never have victims. They give you the silent treatment for days on end but then rub your…
That’s from Tumblr, you mansplaining moron. I hope you’re receiving lots of applause from the personalities in your head for your scathing reply.
I don’t know about Oregon’s growth, as I live in Dallas, but the liberal cities here are growing far faster than the rural areas. DFW metro and Houston metro added 1.4M residents in the last 6 years.
I’m not sure people are going to flock to to rural areas to bolster the conservative numbers. Perhaps in a state with only one large city, but Texas was originally a blue state that only turned during the Reagan-Mondale race and never went back. Texas has enough urban areas that are continuing to grow that they’ll…
Not entirely, but okay. Texas also has a lot more big cities than most states in the middle. What’s your point?
Texas voted 43% for Hillary. Dallas county, Travis county, Harris & Fort Bend counties all went blue. So Dallas, Austin, Houston are all democrat as well as El Paso, and nearly all counties that border Mexico. We’re purple. We’re potentially one presidental election cycle away from being a swing state.
You don’t know how much I want to add a video of Prince singing “I Feel Love” right here. Gah.
I love Torchy’s! I got a fried avocado taco just last week.
But you waited until you got to West to get kolaches, right?!
I came home to a bathroom sink of cat puke on election day. I should’ve known.
And that’s why I’ve spent the day crying.
I am a lot more frightened of a Pence presidency than I am of a Trump presidency. Trump doesn’t know how to do any of this. Pence knows how to get laws passed.
I never kept my password secret from my exhusband, but I never knew his. I didn’t really feel like I needed his, so it never bothered me. He did, however, install a keylogger on his own computer (that we shared, after he “accidentally” broke my laptop) so that he would know everything that I typed. I never felt like I…
A girl in one of my tumblr fandoms is constantly asking for help paying her bills, and acting like being the self-appointed “fandom mom” means we should all help her. Some people chipped in together to buy her a ticket to a big event within the fandom and she sold it. Now she’s mad no one gives her money anymore.
I thought it was Poundland and then was horribly disappointed. I’d love to see the Queen in a dollar/pound shop.
Ok but is he a good swimmer? Can he still enjoy a steak?