I have instituted a no politics at family dinner’s policy because even though we are all pretty much on the same page, because there are enough differences in a few areas that its not worth the arguments.
I have instituted a no politics at family dinner’s policy because even though we are all pretty much on the same page, because there are enough differences in a few areas that its not worth the arguments.
I agree with you, my first car/truck was 61 F100 paid $150 on 13th Bday in 1983. POS father sold it without my permission (title was in his name). Next car was 1973 Old 98 4door, got about 7 MPG which coincidentally was number of people each seat would hold. Wasnt till joined Army and bought a 1989 Nissan PU new that…
I actually thought about buying it, driving down and trailering it back, but still have almost 2 years before kidlette gets a car so decided against it.
haha yeah the car.
We live 3 miles from the high school my daughter will go to in August, but there is no mass transit (welcome to Nebraska), right now my wife’s schedule allows her to take the kiddlette to school but that will most likely be changing soon. This would be an even better car the the Dart we are planning on giving her.…
Who the hell is fantasizing, it is a theoretical exercise like a lot of things in life.
Assuming you don’t live in your mom’s basement and she delivers your cheetos and Mt Dew to you, have you ever gone to a store/mall etc and realized they have an evacuation plan posted in the event of a fire or other disaster that…
+10 little toes for you
Since this place has more to do with the Air Force than the Army I thought I would let them take care of their problem. That being said as former 60mm mortarman, personally I would like to see a free fire zone for a bunch of grunts (lock and load one 30 round magazine and watch your lane) with a couple mortar teams…
That is what I thought, but wasn’t sure. The closest I have come to something like that was sitting in a hangar at Howard AFB and (what I thought was) discreetly taking pics of the Spookies on the flight line by pointing camera in general direction of flight line and snapping a photo. Suddenly about 5 Air Force MPs…
I have said this several times, let them hit the fence line and then have a couple A-10s do a strafing run about 50 meters in front of the dumbasses. That should stop 95% of them. The 5% that dont stop well that is what claymores, mortars and snipers are for, if there are too many to stop that way (highly unlikely but…
Pretty sure I am going to get killed for this but oh well.
I live just outside Omaha and 125k a year is not a lot of money here there is no way to live on 125k a year in someplace like California and buy a new car unless you are living in it.
The reason my wife and I don’t live in the Monterey Bay area of California…
As I said above, everyone speaks M16/M4/M9 etc
Was in Panama for Uncle Sam’s Christmas trip in 1989, we used alto for stop typically followed up by alto, manos arriba or I will blow your fucking head off. Everybody speaks M16
Can attest Delta sucks, flight from Minneapolis to Omaha took 5 hours. APU is broken so no AC on plane when over 95 degrees outside so temp in the plane rapidly reached 100 degrees+. Then there thunderstorms in the middle of the normal flight path so we wait on tarmac for an hour before decision is made to return to…
Not sure if this is still true but in the past when a vehicle was in transit and damaged in an accident it had to be destroyed for liability reasons.
I was in from ages 17- 20 myself and even though I have been out for almost 29 years I MUST be everywhere 15 minutes early or I freak out.
Normally I am against the death penalty in all but the worst of the worst cases...I might make an exception for her.
A friend said to try Yeast of Eden when we are there in October but not to sure about a place that is made of brick and MOTOR
For 1.4M you get 900 sq ft that you cant change in anyway
They allowed a person of color there in 1989, they still talk about it today