
Can someone really quickly edit together a YouTube video with Ginsberg's face super-imposed onto Justin Timberlake's for a "IT'S A NIP IN A BOX!" remix song.

Well, it seemed very unlike the Mad Men writers, to write pieces of dialogue like that for a character which are very intriguing and weird, and not follow it up with something. Poor guy.

I also loved that Peggy's Saturday night, sans Ginsberg, would've consisted of her watching TV with the little Mexican boy who lives upstairs. His comfortableness with the situation leads me to belive this arrangement has been going on for some time.

Betty's "I'm not stupid, I speak Italian" is line of the season, bar none. I'm tired of the Betty hate because boy does she make me laugh more than any other character.

He pissed himself in the office. He's a grown man who couldn't control his own bladder because he was so drunk. It cost him his job.

Memes, Reddit, and the like, sort of fall under Fight Club's rules #1 and #2. You don't talk about them.


The actor who plays Bob Benson, James Wolk, is a lead in CBS's The Crazy Ones now. So, with conflicting schedules, I can only imagine a brief cameo from Bob this season. Much like Alison Brie's Trudy Campbell appearances.

Some of Don's magic must be rubbing off on Freddy Rumsen, because his speech to hungover Don was giving me goosebumps. Just the notion of how good a guy Freddie's become and how much he's cleaned up his act, to the point where he seemingly spent the night at Don's just to make sure he'd be okay and up and ready for

I think that's almost the reason for the spite, though. He's been in this same position as Don, he has been ineffectual and purposeless within the company for so long, he didn't even have an office until recently. Despite being the founder of the company. He's just there to sit back and get rich, and is upset at Don

To be fair, Anna's ghost has already made an appearance in his old office, so I wouldn't put it past the writers.

I bet this guy knows where you can buy the coolest fedoras online.

"Please don't eat that, you're so trim". Meredith's line delivery and whole persona are so on point, I need to know what the actress who plays her is like in person.

As the show cuts between that scene and here's Henry Francis talking to Bobby Draper. Hmm….

Especially considering they could've given Peggy the job. It hasn't even been mentioned that Peggy would be entirely qualified for the position, as she seems to have a knack for creative that supersedes Lou's. She's been with the company for nine years now, to my knowledge, that's less time than Don was with the

I think that remains to be seen. I feel as if Roger has offhandedly fired Harry a hundred times already. I feel as if Roger has no idea who Harry is, after all this time.

No, I don't think that's what I'm say per se either. It's more a longing for a lot of things, rather than one specific thing. It's like Bobby said in tonight's episode, "I wish it was yesterday".

I thought the fight here was more between Harry and Cutler, and if anyone won that fight, it's Harry.

And he just took it. All the times Don used Peggy as a punching bag, or she'd give him a jab, and he'd jab back even worse, today we've seen that he is changed, or trying to change, in just letting Peggy dig at him.

The football of "Why isn't Don just working in the LA office with Pete and Ted?" keeps being shown but never kicked.