
Given how hard he's proven to get on with at times over the years, it's quite possible that he was photoshopped into the picture.

Sunday: Beach Boys, shuffle, Radiohead, Kendrick Lamar
Monday: New Order, Descendents, shuffle, Prince, Joy Division
Tuesday: Toots & the Maytals, UNKLE, Tom Waits, Charles Manson
Wednesday: Basehead, Miles Davis, Metallica, shuffle


I'm sure this article will receive plenty of reasonable, well-thought-out comments from folks both for and against the making of this show.

Confederate: This month's PWR BTTM

That's what I thought until I clicked on the actual article.

From what Teti said the staff still seems to be in the dark about when the change will be happening, though he also said his main focus now is on the TV show and that he's out of the loop on the day-to-day stuff for the website.

Other than it supposedly taking place over the "slower summer months" nothing has been announced, though Teti confirmed in the comments for another article recently that it definitely will be happening and there is nothing the A.V. Club or The Onion can do about it.

For every worthwhile article like Gwen Ihnat's sweet story about taking her daughter to a Paul McCartney concert or the latest in a series of well-researched and delightful Random Roles by Will Harris, there's crap like this that makes me almost look forward to the impending Kinjapocalypse so I'll stop wasting so much

Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Just so used to "kid-friendly" being short-hand for "doesn't contain any sex or swears" that I automatically jumped to that conclusion.

That was an enjoyable read and a sweet story. However, I'm genuinely curious:

Hell, I was buying it at the supermarket in small-town Canada over twenty years ago.

But he was speaking to a group of impressionable children, not his typical audience of adults with the mentality of children (though typing that just now, I feel I've done a great disservice to the youth of the world in even slightly comparing them to those mouth-breathers).


Are you being sarcastic, dude?

"For all those that fear change…

The original season 6 DVD set came with the option to receive the standard packaging for free (shipping and handling not included) though I believe the offer was only available in the US.

Disco Stu would have been a fantastic one-off gag.

It's pretty oversized…I guess.

The Mothers of Initiation