
I…don't know how to answer this question, sorry.

The A.V. Club

Some damn good choices here. One could quibble all day about what could have been or should have been included, but I think the songs chosen are a good representation of what was actually being played on the radio during the time period.

If Journey is considered a "classic rock band", then no.

More like a "To the Edge of the World" Tour.

Yeah, I'm not sure who it is, but I've watched enough Beatles documentaries and the like over the years to know that it's definitely not George Martin.

I don't mind, provided the album is left in its original sequence (on my CD copy of Black Sea by XTC, three B-sides are just dropped into the middle of the original album for some stupid reason). I know CDs are dirt cheap to manufacture but it just seems like a waste of space, especially if an album is less than 40

Interesting! There's definitely a similarity, though not exactly blatant theft à la Led Zeppelin. Had "Layla" originally been released in more litigious times, would the estate of Duane Allman sued Clapton and Jim Gordon for songwriting credit, only in turn to be sued by Albert King for plagiarism?

But he clearly stated that it was NOT the side-effects of the cocaine.

I would also like to express my confusion at the dissonance between the headline/image and article.

Sadly changed to "kazoo" in the edited-for-TV version.

I'm the opposite: love Björk's solo work, lukewarm on the Sugarcubes. Basically I like their songs well enough until every single time that guy starts singing.

I liked the big singles when I was a kid, but then I ignored them for years (I was firmly in the Nirvana camp following the grunge/metal divide). These days I like Appetite and the acoustic half of Lies well enough, but the Illusion albums are some pompous, bloated shit ("You Could Be Mine" was a killer single,

How do you feel about Bowie, then? Obviously a much more talented and prolific artist than Gaga, but he had an androgynous image during his rise to fame, hinted at being gay on many occasions and 1976 declared himself to be bisexual in Playboy, only to later refer to himself as a "closet heterosexual" six years later.

A result of undiagnosed schizophrenia, apparently. Goddamn it, that's tragic.

Bon Jovi: Purveyors of lightweight, contrived, derivative rock music. Springsteen for dummies. Led by a narcissistic, self-serving asshole.

Apparently Allman came up with the signature riff, but didn't receive any official songwriting credit. So even when Clapton did something great, he was still kind of an asshole.

When I saw them in 2001, they were behind a giant screen showing cartoons for most of the show - every so often, the cartoons would be replaced by a blue screen and we'd see them silhouetted behind it, and then we saw them at the very end.

Depends on the person. They work well for some, not so well for others.

Thee Oh Sees, Damaged Bug, Ty Segall, My Bloody Valentine, Flying Saucer Attack, Spacemen 3, Pram.