
I've only ever heard it pronounced "maple".

Another fun fact: under the MAPL system (for determining whether or not songs can be considered "Canadian content"), not a single song on Bryan Adams' album Waking Up The Neighbours qualified. After much controversy, the regulations were revised to recognize songs co-written by Canadians and non-Canadians.

Can't believe I fell for that.

My biggest takeaway from this article is that the A.V. Club really ought to revive the "I Made You A Mixtape" series. Clicked on the link in the article for the one with Buzz Osbourne, and even though I don't necessarily agree with all of his musical opinions it still made for an entertaining read.

The new Jesus and Mary Chain album (Damage and Joy).

The alternate music choices sink it though. "Killing Moon" works so much better than "Never Tear Us Apart" when Donnie is cycling home, but it doesn't work nearly as well as "Under The Milky Way" for Donnie and Gretchen walking down the stairs at the party.

You could make solid arguments for or against including either one, really. I agree that Prince has a lot of great songs, but for me it isn't all that distinct from a lot of other music from the period, whereas Dirty Mind sounded - and to this day sounds - like nothing else.

I'm surprised I missed that one, too. Especially since I briefly considered including Toronto, Japan and Asia.

Boston, Chicago, Kansas, America - such an exciting and creative time for band names.

Saturation is easily their best, but if you do feel like exploring further the Stull EP (where their cover of "Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon" originally appeared) is a good place to start. The albums on either end are a bit spottier, but there's still plenty to enjoy.

What a great read. If we could get even one article like this for every hundred "Great Job, Internets" I would consider us readers to be very lucky. Well done.

The pinnacle of an amazing run of albums (starting with Dirty Mind). I also first became acquainted with Sign O' The Times listening in my Discman on the way to and from work. Such a great album - I think I know what I will be listening to in the car for the next few days.

And on July 1, which just happens to be Canada Day (and which for many years now "Cannabis Day" rallies have also been held).

Those Westerberg songs are great. Plus, "Dyslexic Heart" was the first (and possibly last) time I ever heard the word "misconstrue" in a rock song.

This week in music

A great movie, yes. But it's set in 1987, and even then the story and characters hardly "embody" the time period in any way.

Empire Records always struck me as a movie about a record store made by a bunch of people who didn't spend much time in record stores.

So based on what 2D is wearing in that first video, I guess "trousers hiked up to just under the armpits" is no longer exclusively the domain of octogenarians, and set to become the latest fashion trend for 2017?

I got curious, and the original vinyl is listed here starting at $270.00:

Or go to your nearest thrift store and pick up a copy on CD for 49 cents.