
That's a good one, too. My actual favorites of theirs for "morning music" would be Super Roots, Vol. 7 and the Super Go EP. Nice combination of trippy and energetic, yet not too intense for listening to before getting caffeinated.

I listen to music during pretty much every waking moment possible, but I would definitely get sick of waking up to the same song every single morning.

ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POLI-CE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds fine, as long as they don't put Grammer in charge of the food. Last time he handled the catering, there was such an excessive amount of tossed salad and scrambled eggs leftover that nobody knew what to do with them.

I had much the same experience with the B-52's as Carrie, picking up Cosmic Thing on the strength of the singles and then finding out they'd already been around for over a decade and made even cooler stuff before that.

Fair point. But these articles obviously get page views, which ostensibly attracts advertisers, which apparently this place desperately needs more of to stay alive. I see where you're coming from, but l understand why this site has recently made some changes.

Seriously, no one is forcing you to click on these articles and it would have been easy enough to avoid based on the headline.

Oh, I'm serious, too. Nothing quite like the satisfaction of being the first to use a tired, predictable joke here in the comment section - and a pun at that!

I also came here to make that joke.

It's a solid album, but "greatest selling album of the 00's"…what?

My all-time favorite drummer. Will be spinning Tago Mago as soon as I get home, RIP.

It's not a song about a white guy getting punched in the face. It's a song about a racist piece of shit getting punched in the face.

Whatever. I don't really care about upvotes and you seem to have missed the point I was trying to make anyway.

You're absolutely right. Plus his assertion that there have been five music questions in a row received the same number of upvotes as my factual statement, which clearly means his comment is just as true as mine.

It's only two in a row - the six AVQ&A prior to that (excluding "pop culture weekend") were not specifically related to music, and there were only five music-related questions in the eight months prior to that. Not exactly an overwhelming number for those of us who like music, and much appreciated considering music

TRUMP: As Donald J Trump, the new President of these United States of America, I'd like to thank you for playing at my pre-inauguration concert, and to show my appreciation, here are two free taco bowls.
BASSIST: But there are five of us.
TRUMP: [angry] Here are two free taco bowls!
BASSIST: That's better.

The United States of America

The version of "Hey Hey, My My" they performed together fucking rules:

Goddamn, just checked out that Cat Stevens track and it's amazing. Nice one, Vishnevetsky!

I love both of those things. But this article is about neither of those things.