
Goddamn it, Justin. You never wear the band's T-shirt at their concert.

Number 8 *burp* Number 8 *burp*

The A.V. Club

Giddy Up!

There is a song called "Rape Me" on In Utero, but this is the first time I've ever heard the word "rapey" associated with Nirvana.

Upvoted for Nisennenmondai and OOIOO. Have yet to meet anyone Japanese who has even heard of them, let alone listens to them.

I bought another shelf last week to hold even more CDs, so I guess I must be doing this wrong.

I was so excited the day I found the "Lithium" CD single at Sam the Record Man for *only* $11.99 because it contained ALL OF THE LYRICS TO NEVERMIND!!! Settled a lot of debates after that, though was a bit disappointed to find out Kurt wasn't screaming "jism" over and over again during the chorus of "Breed".

When I was going through some boxes of old stuff in my parents' basement, I found a "profile" that I had filled out when I was in grade 2. Most of it was fairly typical for a kid that age in the 1980's, except for my favorite TV show (Murder, She Wrote) and favorite food (spinach, which I suspect was related to being

My first year in Halifax I was still underage so I went to quite a few shows at the Cafe Ole, but by the time it closed I was of legal age and most of the bands I wanted to see were playing at The Marquee or elsewhere anyway, so I never did make it out to The Pavilion (though I guess it's still open?). But from around

Hey, I upvoted this before you edited your comment to include the "94-95 is the absolute apex of the genre" bit. The golden age of hip hop (late 80's to early 90's) is called the "golden age" for a reason, youngster.

Stakes is a good album, but I find it's less interesting musically than the first three De La Soul albums due to the absence of Prince Paul.

1997 was the year that electronic music belatedly broke in North America. For a while a lot of high school and university-aged folks were going to raves on weekends and taking ecstasy for the first time (almost a decade after Madchester) so for some of us of a certain age there is that shared experience. I can see

In Canada, the Los Del Mar cover version became popular the year before the Los Del Rio version took off in the States and elsewhere, so we actually had to an endure an extra year and an extra version of "Macarena".

Looking at my music library, 1996 seems to be heavier on both rap and music vaguely definied as "electronica" than rock or alternative.

To name a few:

Gah, who do they write these songs for?

Imagine lighting a candle and being magically whisked away to…Delaware.

- Hot shit on a ham sandwich, this is amazing!
- Sweet crap on a croissant, Katie's going into labor!

My favorite Dinosaur Jr. track that sounds almost nothing like Dinosaur Jr. has to be "Take A Run At The Sun". Actually, that whole EP is great fun - perfect for summer.