
Dude's deep in the throes of a CD-purging bender and trying desperately to make up for those Coldplay CDs he held on to in order to meet his quota. Only that could explain getting rid of those Eno, Esquivel, Failure, Faith No More, The Fall, Flaming Lips and Franz Ferdinand albums. Hope he doesn't regret it in the

Love Tara and Parts 1-3 are absolutely essential.

And yet another victim of CancerAIDS, courtesy of Disqus.


I thought of posting the same thing, but seasons 10 and 11 (and even season 9 to a lesser extent) are so hit-and-miss that I decided against it. That said, "Behind The Laughter" really does seem to be the logical place to end it (I stopped watching after season 12).

You might want to have a look between the header photo and the comment section.

Side 4 of Metal Machine Music.

If you're not eating square pizza, who's eating your corners?

In addition to the restaurant inside of Zellers, back in the nineties our town shopping mall had a pizza place in the food court called Zel Fredo's. It was about as good as you'd expect Zellers pizza to be, though it lasted through the decade (probably because there weren't any other places in buy pizza in the food

Also weird that Talking Heads are being referred to as a "then-new project" considering they formed in the seventies, had recorded four albums and were already internationally famous by the time Worrell joined the group in the early eighties.

I never like going further than five minutes from the house without having some music with me, but on the road music is most essential is when I'm going to sleep. I'm in the habit of listening to music as I doze off anyway, but it becomes even more important when I'm trying to get to sleep in an unfamiliar place.

Clearly your critical faculties have been affected by some sort of Strange Disease.

The problem of pun threads, what to do to get upvoted

Pithy comment, but overly simplistic and unfairly dismissive of some great music. I sometimes get the "poor man's Gang of Four" vibe from a few of these bands, but most of them are working with a broader sonic palette, as noted in the article.

As a Canadian from the east coast, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Sloan was popular enough to merit a full display rack at Tower Records when their latest album was released here a few years back. But even though they are by far the more popular band in Canada, in fifteen years here I have yet to see a

In some of the CD shops I used to go to here, the "Deep Purple" section was larger than the rest of the "D" section for all the other foreign artists combined. And Mr. Big was hugely popular here in the nineties, and still have a fanbase devoted enough that the announcement of their 2014 tour made the morning news.

Might have to keep that in mind next time I listen to it. Thanks!

Ooooh, she card read good!

Along with that incredible run of albums from Ladies to Hejira, her debut Song To A Seagull and the follow-up Clouds are two solid albums that often get overlooked. Slightly disappointed to see nothing from either one, but a very good playlist nonetheless.

"(H)is star a little shining brighter" makes me if the AV Club wonder a copy editor has.