
I was exaggerating a bit - personally I haven't been into much of what they've done since Justice, but the Black album has some solid tracks (though most of them were/are overplayed). Can't think of anything I've liked since then, but might have to give S&M a listen with an open mind sometime.


No idea. Metallica's last album was And Justice For All, and it's a good thing they decided to call it quits after that because the production wasn't so hot on that one. So glad they've done nothing in the years since to tarnish their legacy.

I've been hanging around the AVC a few years now, and your comments and insights frequently crack me up. If you're even half as fun to hang out with in person as you are around here and can just accept yourself for who you are, there are probably some nice chubby girls out there who don't give a shit about baldness,

Maybe she'll wear it to the Superbowl show and there'll be another "wardrobe malfunction" and subsequent moral panic?

Gave the whole album a listen for the first time in a while yesterday after writing this and I'll concede that "Parakeet" is more interesting than I remember, but I'm surprised anyone tapped it as "the best song on the record". I thought "Lotus" was a great single, but even though they had experimented with different

The only song I could see cutting from Thief is "Scatterbrain" - not really a bad song, but fairly unremarkable compared to the rest of the album (and arguably weaker than some of the songs that ended up as B-sides).

Interesting read. Though I cannot abide getting rid of "Suspicion" or "Airportman" (I happen to agree with the author on this one and think it's the perfect post-Berry album opener), I do think the biggest problem with Up is that it's just too long. The problem is: what songs get cut?

This album is one of my go-to examples of an album that suffers from having too many songs - none of them are bad per se, but a few too many sound the same to make for a consistently interesting listen from start to finish.

There are many things I love about Metal Machine Music, though listening to it is not one of them.

The green are a sucker's deal: houses cost the same to build as on Park Place and Boardwalk ($200 each) except you have to build more of them to get hotels (as there are three properties instead of two) and even after all that you still collect significantly less rent than you would on Park Place and Boardwalk.

That hotel's a dump and your monopoly's pathetic.

One Friday evening, one of my fellow teachers and I got invited to an impromptu after-work drinking party with some of our students from a well-known company we taught at. We met up with them at karaoke after we finished work at about 9:30 pm, by which time the group of several men in their forties and a few ladies in

If your friend likes Surfer Rosa, I'd definitely recommend Rid Of Me as it was also recorded by Steve Albini and is her loudest, angriest album. Otherwise, I agree with everyone else here that Stories… is an excellent place to start.

Master PJ Harvey Danger Mouse On Mars

I remember that article very well - though it was originally published in November 2003, not 2013 as stated here.

The Rob-meister, spreadin' disease!

At the 1992 MTV Awards:

I have the Ryko versions of Ziggy, Young Americans, Station to Station, Low, "Heroes", Lodger and Scary Monsters, and aside from the incongruous late 80's remixes, the bonus material is stellar - too bad it wasn't included in subsequent reissues.

The call-and-response vocals on "Success" by Iggy Pop put a smile on my face every time, especially near the end of the song.